post your chicken coop pictures here!

[/IMG][/IMG]so many many fabulous coops here ...I love all the ideas ....we are still adding little things here and there ...since I am from Philadelphia and now live in the burbs I am going for the Pennsylvania Dutch Lancaster look ....we are even in the process of making a fake silo to really give it the Barn effect ...I am gonna make some little curtains for nesting boxes ..this coop thing is as much fun as the chickens themselves
[/URL]so many many fabulous coops here ...I love all the ideas ....we are still adding little things here and there ...since I am from Philadelphia and now live in the burbs I am going for the Pennsylvania Dutch Lancaster look ....we are even in the process of making a fake silo to really give it the Barn effect ...I am gonna make some little curtains for nesting boxes ..this coop thing is as much fun as the chickens themselves
Those aren't cedar chips are they?
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"DON'T use cedar shavings, no matter what friends or your local feed store tell you: the aromatic oils will irritate your chicks' lungs, and make them more susceptible to respiratory problems later in life.)" From My Pet Chicken
Wow ....There is a very split opinion about cedar and pine chips ...I have been using it upstairs in their coop part which is very well ventilated and have sand down in the run which is where they spend most of the time or out free ranging ....I have avoided straw because I read that chickens can try and eat it and get it lodged in their throat and choke ...I am so confused now ...they haven't had any problems and seem to be thriving and happy hens ..but they are my pets and don't want to make them sick
It's mainly the chicks more so than the adult hens. We sold chicks this spring and people would buy cedar chips without asking first and would come back later in the week wanting to know why all of their birds had died so i know for a fact it can kill the chicks.

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