post your chicken coop pictures here!

I've laid out the framework and drawn up dozens of plans...
Once my husband even took my frame APART because he said he was going to build it...
When I suggested we get a 10' x 10' dog kennel with cover and floor and run hardware cloth around the inside 2' high for the run he shot it down...

:he :mad: :smack

I've even suggested we get a small shed from lowes to convert if he doesn't have the time....
Yeah I definitely would be frustrated like you are. Hopefully this does the trick. You have helped him as much as you can, suggesting the shed thing was a great idea.
Yeah I definitely would be frustrated like you are. Hopefully this does the trick. You have helped him as much as you can, suggesting the shed thing was a great idea.

Thanks... Glad somebody though it was.... He shot that idea down too... Claims he has it all planed out in his mind...

I hope so because I've been begging him sense last June when the coop we built got squashed during a storm... Thankfully BEFORE they went out into it...
We only had enough salvaged for a very cramped coop... Thankfully they only go in at night... Big yard to roam... Now a critter has attacked twice and we need to build the real coop.... My question... How does he plan to do 40-50 meat birds this year if he won't even build a good coop for our egg birds?!!!!
I've been ordered to take Picts of everything so that his mom can see his progress....

Shoot, even his sister has said she will come over and she and I will build it if the 'men' can't get it done...
invite her and Momma over. If his brothers are lazy bums like he is, they're going to need all of the supervision that they can get.

And I might suggest to the big dummy that if he has it all planned out in his head, he might want to put it down on paper so that his brothers and supervisors can see it as well.
All these coop building stories are making me chuckle.

Poor TJordan can't get DH motivated and I can't mention doing something for the chickens in casual conversation because DH will go right out and do it NOW. All I want is to talk and bounce ideas out loud but he wants to go do it immediately whether anything was mutually decided or not. I'm the opposite of TJordan -- I've got to keep my mouth shut around my OCD DH! I suppose I should be glad he loves the girls as much as I do even if he is overly-motivated!
All these coop building stories are making me chuckle.:gig  
Poor TJordan can't get DH motivated and I can't mention doing something for the chickens in casual conversation because DH will go right out and do it NOW.  All I want is to talk and bounce ideas out loud but he wants to go do it immediately whether anything was mutually decided or not.  I'm the opposite of TJordan -- I've got to keep my mouth shut around my OCD DH!  I suppose I should be glad he loves the girls as much as I do even if he is overly-motivated!
Sometimes we just want them to listen.
1week left folks... Then he (hubby) has no excuse. My coop WILL be built or he will sleep with the kids until it's done..

Wrong location, he sleeps in the current coop with the chickens until he builds the new one. Starting tonight. It will give him an incentive to "get er done".

invite her and Momma over. If his brothers are lazy bums like he is, they're going to need all of the supervision that they can get.

And I might suggest to the big dummy that if he has it all planned out in his head, he might want to put it down on paper so that his brothers and supervisors can see it as well.

+1,000 on that one. Nothing will get done if the design is in his HEAD. Everyone will be standing around ingesting the ingredients needed to make water then napping it off while he tries to remember the next part he was going to do and what the dimensions are. And I'll bet he doesn't have time to even sketch out the plans between now and next week.

I HOPE I'm wrong, but I won't be at all surprised if you are back here in a week saying "no coop ... again".
invite her and Momma over.  If his brothers are lazy bums like he is, they're going to need all of the supervision that they can get.  

And I might suggest to the big dummy that if he has it all planned out in his head, he might want to put it down on paper so that his brothers and supervisors can see it as well.  

He tried once.. Couldn't do it... Best thing he could describe was it would tie in with the back of the old shed, slant away for drainage and look something like the coop from the tv show Mountain Men.... :pop can't wait to see what his brothers make of that description lol...
Wrong location, he sleeps in the current coop with the chickens until he builds the new one. Starting tonight. It will give him an incentive to "get er done".

+1,000 on that one. Nothing will get done if the design is in his HEAD. Everyone will be standing around ingesting the ingredients needed to make water then napping it off while he tries to remember the next part he was going to do and what the dimensions are. And I'll bet he doesn't have time to even sketch out the plans between now and next week.

I HOPE I'm wrong, but I won't be at all surprised if you are back here in a week saying "no coop ... again".  :(

DONT SAY THAT!!!!!!! Let's not voice that.... Please... I've waited for so long but now that we have lost chickens to this he seems to be serious. He went and got the wood, hardware cloth, chicken mesh and stuff this past week... I've been ordered to clean up our house (which he's been remodeling for 4 YEARS) organized for coffee breaks and bathroom runs.... He has a guy coming in in 2 weeks to measure my kitchen (FINALY) :ya

He has ordered the privacy fence supplies, a new bathtub (ours is falling through the floor), wood to repair my kitchen and bathroom floors and a 20yard dumpster will be delivered Friday. I hope he's not doing all this just to not get it completed...
All these coop building stories are making me chuckle.

Poor TJordan can't get DH motivated and I can't mention doing something for the chickens in casual conversation because DH will go right out and do it NOW. All I want is to talk and bounce ideas out loud but he wants to go do it immediately whether anything was mutually decided or not. I'm the opposite of TJordan -- I've got to keep my mouth shut around my OCD DH! I suppose I should be glad he loves the girls as much as I do even if he is overly-motivated!
that is how my dh is he is the one gets eggs, feeds and waters them, put he don't clean or mix up the chips i do that, he also sells the eggs, but i but the chickens.

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