post your chicken coop pictures here!

BEAUTIFUL YARD! I believe in building A Fort Knox for our 4 chickens and would've enclosed your darling little coop INSIDE the run for added predator protection and maybe raised it a couple feet higher off the ground. Bruceha2000 has covered other suggestions for your setup. Nice roof overhanging the coop!
Built a new run last spring. Holding up great to all the nj snow this winter.

Has the coop ever been completely buried in the NJ winters? Poor back East is getting throttled these last 2 winters!
Very interested in your door opening. Could you possibly give some details of the electronics or point to a link?
Sorry Bruce, 9.90€ for one compost cage, with 4 panels. Takes three of them for one triangular section, so rounded up that's about 7.50€. I'd say most products are on par with US pricing here, at least when it comes to lumber. We're a big producer. 24% VAT does add a bit to the price though.

Ah, I see. A square compost bin does make more sense. I looked at the triangle and thought they were just a larger version of the 3 sides wire tomato cages we have
So what do you do with the extra 4th sides? I see one is on the bottom of the hutch.

Very interested in your door opening. Could you possibly give some details of the electronics or point to a link?

It helps if you use the quote button so people know which post you are referring to.
There's never much written explanations in either the advertisements or the instructions. Wish more of the these online sellers would use videos to show installation, etc. As always, ty 4 ur input!

I forgot to mention: When my FIL was growing up the family had chickens. I think pretty much most everyone had backyard chickens in the 20's. Apparently his older brother was in charge of letting the chickens out of the coop. He rigged up an alarm clock - the old key wind type so that when it went off, the string winding around the key shaft would pull the chicken door open. You could always do that though I think I'd pull the bells off the top.
Bruce, I'm going to cut up one to form the door still as well, and I'm sure I can think of some other use for an extra panel at some point. Maybe as a divider, if needed. I also probably need to build a stationary hutch that the doe can overwinter in at some point, I thought I might use those for that too. We'll see. But the thing I like about these is that they're extremely light weight, and basically self supporting. A triangle is a very sturdy construction, and there's not that much give in the panels. I will be putting a brace at the ridge though, partly to support it, partly to work as handles in both ends.
:confused:. Feeling depressed.... Between a virus and the weather we have yet to start our coop and fence.... All our supplies are here, the dumpster is outside, the 'help' showed up this Saturday.... And guess what....

:barnie nature!!! Give us a break!!!!!!!!!!! Please.... My poor chickens are getting mad. My dog is unhappy because she's on a chain and my puppy needs exercise.... Let us get my yard done...
Ah, I see. A square compost bin does make more sense. I looked at the triangle and thought they were just a larger version of the 3 sides wire tomato cages we have
So what do you do with the extra 4th sides? I see one is on the bottom of the hutch.

It helps if you use the quote button so people know which post you are referring to.

Sorry Bruceha2000 first time trying to post.
Bruce, I'm going to cut up one to form the door still as well, and I'm sure I can think of some other use for an extra panel at some point. Maybe as a divider, if needed. I also probably need to build a stationary hutch that the doe can overwinter in at some point, I thought I might use those for that too. We'll see. But the thing I like about these is that they're extremely light weight, and basically self supporting. A triangle is a very sturdy construction, and there's not that much give in the panels. I will be putting a brace at the ridge though, partly to support it, partly to work as handles in both ends.

My wife had a rabbit when she was a kid (as you may have guessed). Apparently it dug itself a nice tunnel for the winter

Not the best for predator protection I suppose but I bet she was nice and warm.

We have been working on this forever...still not done but getting close. Needs the hwc on bottom and the roof with ventilation and a large door to access for cleaning. The nesting box was probably the hardest part. We have a floor that can be placed in but its not in yet. We used this super haevy duty paint my dad (in photo) likes to use. Its rough and thick. It measures about 6'x4' on bottom. How many chickens do you think it would hold? 2 or more?
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Hi all! Just wanted to post my pics and get some feedback. The coop has been modified from a quail coop. Its 8' long by 2' wide with about 30" floor to ceiling. The 3 roosts are 2" b 4"s and are 12 inches apart and they are 10.5" from the bare floor. The roosts are about 22" long. There are four doors that open and two windows. The windows have 1/4 inch hardware cloth behind them and the long bottom door is for cleanup access with floor boards that are removable. We have 6 RIR hens that are four days old in a brooder. I wish the coop was a foot wider but I have to work with what I've got due to cost. The enclosure will go between the three fences shown and will be 11.5' by 6.5'. The enclosure will have 1/2 inch hardware cloth on top and in the front. There will be a framed door in front that will have a latch. The coop will be placed inside the enclosure on the left side.
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