post your chicken coop pictures here!

Here's my coop and run.

The coop is a pre-built from TSC. My wife has been looking into chickens for a while, but I've just gotten onboard with it. The coop looked like what we need for now, if we added a second run. After reading up on chickens, I wish I'd built my own... but then, I can't afford what I want now, but this will do for a while. I did set it on top of treated 2x4's, polyurethane it, add some weather-stripping to the lower to keep out drafts, and upgrade to raccoon proof latches.

The run is 10' x 20', treated 2x4s surrounded by 1/4" hardware cloth (I was going to use 1/2", but 1/4" was on sale at, so...) The bottom few feet is reenforced with some welded wire that we had rusting under a tree (the holes are really too big, but it was free, and ought to help at least a little with keeping larger predators out.)

I have a few feet of the roof covered with some tin that we scavenged off the old barn after it blew over. I decided to go with the staked down skirt method, but I might upgrade if I see signs of something trying to break in.


This is the new coop I haven't bought it yet but it's an 8x10 shed this is the pic of the ad can't wait. It had the electric wires already in it. So that will save me some money also
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If there are very many of the Least weasel around there is no point in trying to fence in the run. Ill get rid of the chickens before i spend a fortune on 1/2 inch hardware cloth and silicone caulk to seal every gap. Ill take my chances i guess. Even a fully enclosed building could not ensure they could be kept out. The only control that works to my liking is poison. I have nearly zero mice on my property but the few i have wander around where ever they want. All i can do is keep poison where they will find it and put up with an occasional stinky one. With any luck Least weasels will eat decon too, if not, Oh well!!

The one attack i saw (after the fact) was due to a determined weasel chewing and ripping at the wall where there was a gap until he got in. Weasels are related to ferrets and they can dig with the best of them. They can also climb any structure on the planet so there is no stopping them if they are hungry enough.
Here is our coop, my hubby designed and built it into the former granary stall of our old barn. It was quite an expensive undertaking that is for sure, but it's super-safe, easy to clean and insulated. (note, it's not completely finished as we still need to add the nest boxes in the wired-up opening to the left side) but since our chicks are only 10 weeks old we still have about another month to go I am sure.

Wfpendragon that's looks great!!!! I still need to finish the roost but my chicks are only 3 weeks old so I got time but really like your set up
Here's my coop and run.

The coop is a pre-built from TSC. My wife has been looking into chickens for a while, but I've just gotten onboard with it. The coop looked like what we need for now, if we added a second run. After reading up on chickens, I wish I'd built my own... but then, I can't afford what I want now, but this will do for a while. I did set it on top of treated 2x4's, polyurethane it, add some weather-stripping to the lower to keep out drafts, and upgrade to raccoon proof latches.

The run is 10' x 20', treated 2x4s surrounded by 1/4" hardware cloth (I was going to use 1/2", but 1/4" was on sale at, so...) The bottom few feet is reenforced with some welded wire that we had rusting under a tree (the holes are really too big, but it was free, and ought to help at least a little with keeping larger predators out.)

I have a few feet of the roof covered with some tin that we scavenged off the old barn after it blew over. I decided to go with the staked down skirt method, but I might upgrade if I see signs of something trying to break in.

Repurposed materials is so great! You have a nice beautiful area and nice build. The foresty area would concern me because of the wild critters that work their way to our backyards. We live in the city and still get reports of black bears climbing into backyards to go swimming in pools, city-smart raccoons out in broad daylight on the golf courses, and possums seen as roadkill on our neighborhood streets. And that's in addition to the smaller vermin like rats, mice, and aerial raptor threats. We used to have a wood and OSB little coop and now have an 800-lb Barn Coop that anything short of a grizzly would find impossible to move or tear open. I'd say I was a bit protective of my hens - or maybe paranoid would say it better

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