Post Your Chocolates, Dun ,Khaki , Platinum Bird Pics

You guessed it!

A friend of mine created a line of Sussex that carries the Dun gene, I plan on crossing them to my Orps to breed towards a self colored bird.
And I'm using those same to create a Dun Speckled Sussex . . . if all goes well this coming year!
I just ordered some fawn silver OEGB along with some black mille d'uccles to help my brown project along. I prefer dun over chocolate, so adding that gene would be great. Besides, getting chocolate and dun in the SAME bird is a beautiful color.

I forgot to add I'm getting them from Ideal. My original flock came from them and I was surprised to get about half were show quality.
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My comment was based upon the plumage looking like it was badly in need of a molt.  I realize that dun is reasonably common.  I have duns; those just don't look dun to me.
I just assumed dun because all the church's of that crossing looked like my duns orps when the ones in the picture molted they feathered in about the same color but maybe a little darker. Actually bought about 250 18 month old australorp hens and there was two this color. Weird huh...

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