Post your favorite healthy,low-calorie breakfast egg recipes!

One large egg contains 59 calories.

But she asked for low calorie not low carb.

Like you said, one egg is only 59 calories. (Fitday says 72, but close enough.)
A bagel is 270
2 slices of whole wheat toast is 150
A plain muffin is 344

If you have a weight problem, it isn't the eggs that are causing it.​
Like you said, one egg is only 59 calories. (Fitday says 72, but close enough.)
A bagel is 270
2 slices of whole wheat toast is 150
A plain muffin is 344

If you have a weight problem, it isn't the eggs that are causing it.

I agree with you...I believe low carb is the healthiest way to eat but not everyone wants to eat low carb...they prefer to eat low calorie...and to each his own.

There are low calorie breads to be had in the grocery stores. In my experience low calorie matter how much of it I get to eat...still leaves me feeling hungry.

I can eat a big 2 egg omelet with sausage, onions, bell pepper, mushrooms and cheese cooked in butter with a small serving of strawberries with whipped cream on top and I'm good until supper. Keeps my blood sugar down, I loose weight and I have tons of energy but even still some people will continue to prefer low cal.
First I fry up a few pieces of turkey bacon...then use the night before s boiled potatoes and cut those up and put in the pan with the bacon. Then add a few eggs and stir up. Top with a little low fat shreaded cheese! YUM! Don't forget chopped onions in this dish too! And a little salt and pepper
OMG... *grabs stethascope and listens to your ticker*


are you serious? I'd be gasping for air if I ate all that!

Thats funny you mention that, I am in my 50's 6'2" 180 lbs and don't even take an asprin. My doctor just looks at me and say's why do you even bother to come for these check-ups LOL. My DW makes me hehe. I eat like that everyday 5 meals a day if I can, and run about 10 miles a week if time permits.

I had seen a recipe a while ago but I cant remember where. Its basically a quiche made in cup cake tins, like individual ones. Eggs, low fat milk, a sprinkle of chopped veggies, a little bacon and a little cheese. Sounded good to me. You can always replace half the eggs with egg whites.
Good Lord!!! 5 meals a day? If your wife cooks you 5 meals a day she is a saint!!!

I cook twice a day...breakfast and want anymore than that and you fix it yourself.
Good Lord!!! 5 meals a day? If your wife cooks you 5 meals a day she is a saint!!!

I cook twice a day...breakfast and want anymore than that and you fix it yourself.

There is no way I can ask her do that, but we share the duties, and yup she is a saint. hooray for the glutens of the world.

I was going to try something like this today and was going to use pie plate. But cause my husband and I have different likes when it comes to onions and bell peppers I think I will use the muffin tins. Designer mini crustless quiches.

I have a pound of turkey breakfast sausage cooked and ready to go.
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One of my tricks is to have 1 whole egg and 2 eggs whites. Still has the richness with out the fat.
A recipe I got from Gastric Surg sites is to scramble up 6 eggs (I'd use 2 whole, 4 whites add skim milk (eye ball it to make scrambled eggs)
Have ready all your "stuffing's" mushrooms, B Olives, greens, onion, bacon bits (make own or artificial), turkey sausage, G/R pepper, garlic and the list can go on.
Saute up the "stuffing's" list of goodies, drain on paper.
Now I use a small muffin tin, spray with Pam (or rub with olive oil) and place saute goodies in cups, not to much as you need room for the egg mixture that goes in next.
If you like cheese, place a small amount on top, or as a portion control of cheese, use a veggie peeler and "peel" cheese off the block.
Bake for 10-15 min, use knife to loosen them and there you have it, serve with a fruit salad with 4 lil eggies.
You can pop them into a sandwich, in a baggie on the go, serve them as finger foods for little ones and you can doctor them up for a brunch.
Enjoy and use your imagination!

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