Poultry Predator Identification

Tonight I went out to my hen house to shut the door for the night, and noticed only 3 of my 6 hens were inside. My first thought was 3 of them were roosting in the tree near the house or they were still in the hedge row. My son wen outside with me to investigate, with flashlights, we searched the hedge row, as my son walked across the yard he almost stepped on one of our dead hens, a little more looking around and we found the other two. Their bodies were in the middle of a well mowed side yard, 2 of them had their heads and necks missing, very little feathers scattered, and the third was also missing the head and neck, but the chest was also ripped open and partially devoured. About 2 weeks ago my son saw an owl swooping toward the chickens during the day, but they all took off running for the house and the cover of our landscaping bushes. I can not understand what could have gotten three of them in one shot during the day, and why did this predator leave the bodies in the middle of my yard, wouldn't it drag them to a hiding spot. I have let the hens run around my yard freely during the day, and lock them into their coop each night, I guess I am lucky that this has been my first problem. My cat even runs around with these chickens daily with no problems...they even get into her food dish in her kitty coop.
Any thoughts are appreciated. I am definitely changing my practice of letting these gals roam.

Was it the breast meat eaten or was it the internal organs eaten? Raccoons really like the breast meat and head and possums will usually go for the head and the internal organs. I'm guessing it was a raccoon if multiple were killed. They very commonly come out during the day, and don't necessarily have to be sick to do so. I would recommend getting a large live trap, putting a dead chicken inside and catching the predator. It will be back again now that it got a meal. Raccoons are especially vicious killers and will kill multiple birds at once and may only eat a little off one or each bird. I would also make sure the door is shut well before dark. My girls go in at dusk and I shut the door right behind them because you never know what may be lurking around at sunset looking for a meal. :/ once you catch the killer though please dont reloacte it! :) it just moves the problem for someone else.. Hope that helps a bit
Yes owls are nasty...got 15 of my hens some years ago but it was always around 5 in the morning. I let my girls out at 4ish (P.M.) and they go in at dark. I then lock them up. Sorry about your loss :'( I would just keep a close eye on them.
If the head and neck are missing the predator is a fox or foxes. That is how they kill they rip the head and neck off. I saw a fox kill one of my birds that way many years ago.
I had a dead guinea yesterday morning. The breast meat was devoured. They roost on a 8foot roof and sit beside the Night Guard lights. I figured it was a raccoon so I put the guinea in the trap and TADA! caught the raccoon last night. That makes two possums and two raccoons in a week's time. Does anyone know why so many are out??? We've never had this problem. Thought it would be cute to add that I left the traps open yesterday all day and when I let my girls out one kept going in the trap and setting it off!!!! She just sat there and waited to be let out again O:)
I agree with shmccarthy...please don't relocate predators. Our land borders wildlife management land...where they dump all these cute pest...errrr so frustrating!
Regarding animal relocation, in many states, including Georgia where I love, it is ILLEGAL to relocate varmint. As my local animal control officer told me, paraphrasing; if the local sheriff, pd should see a trap with wildlife in the back of my truck, I would be detained and a dnr officer would be called, most likely I would receive several citations including an appointment to visit the local judge. (she put the fear into me). This is all in a effort not to spread disease to other areas. I believe that if varmint go into a trap after being handled by me and stepping all around this trap, leaving my human scent everywhere, it is not doing well, it is not healthy and poses a problem that need to be removed.
After 10 days, I have captured a opossum. I don't think that's what killed my drake. I think it was a weasel or a mink. Ducksinarow gave me a 7 month old drake Khaki Caampbell! He's getting along great with his new gals! I love fowl people!
Good for you! Atleast you caught something! Im glad you got a replacement. Don't give up on setting the traps. Sometimes, like here right now, they leave you alone but when you least expect it...they are back!

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