Poultry Predator Identification

well the first thing I think of is electric fence. but I am sure that others on here will respond with more info as I am a newbie myself...

I have seen hawks up in my treed ripping the underside out of doves... :S

Sorry this is happening.

Something is TAKING chicken EGGS and leaving the shells not too far away from hen house.
Well, it has been one thing after another. A hawk tried to eat the back of one of my girls friday, a dog ate one a few weeks ago, now I have a mean rooster back at my house (but I like him) but the other rooster does not. Lastly, one broody hen and one layer. I found eggs near the hen house, or shells should I say. The house is very secure, I thought. Then I found a hole near the house, like a rat hole. What could be taking the eggs?

Thanks so much!
I was counting chickens today and one of my hens is missing. I used to have 11 hens and 2 roos, all RIR. Now I only have 10 hens. I have seen a hawk in the are and it has made a couple of tries at the birds. One morning I spotted it sitting on top of the shed staring down at the chicken coop. Talk about freaking the chickens out.
Thanks for the article. I lost one of my girls last night. I believe it to be a racoon. I plan to set a trap tonight.
Very informative. Looks like somethings been trying to get into the run after our ladies. Trying to tear the wire apart. Figerring coon, going to set a trap.
When I followed the link, the article was not up anymore. Does anyone know where I can read it?
After reading your article I am assuming it is best to close chickens in overnight. Now that it is getting warm, the temptation is to let them go and come from the hen house at will. And what about a light in the hen house.? We've been using one for heat, but now it just seems like a big neon sign that chickens are there. Plus the darlings don't stay in after it gets dark. Right now it can be 10:30pm and they're still wandering around. I say the first time they are all in it's time to slam the door shut. But they have my darling husband wrapped around they're little "fingers". He thinks they'd be happier being able to do as they please. Like if they want to sleep outside, let them. I, on the other hand, like knowing they are safe with the door shut.
Thank you, but it still doesn't solve my dubble whammy. I've got chickens, 1 female goose and 1 female turkey gone (coyotes most likely), but also a chicken in the hen house that had several bites taken out of her back. As far as the chicken in the hen house, I'm trying to figure out who done it.
Geese, coyotes, rats? Could she have escaped from a coyote? Any advice is helpful. I'm really angry. We've had them all for 3 years, and now all of a sudden we've got death and chaos.

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