Power Outage for 5 hours -- NEED ADVICE -- PLEASE HELP

How did you know that one was dead? He may have just been resting. Don't give up hope yet.
I haven't yet but I am getting a touch discouraged. LOL.... We also had a bad experience with some shipped chicks this week. Things have just not been going our way with the chickens this week.
UPDATE --- DAY 23 -- Had one pip at the wrong end and I tried to help it. It is alive but has a huge hole where the yolk did not absorb all the way. Its alert and alive and squaking to one that has pipped. I have about 6 that have internally piped. No external pips yet. I did notice when I helped this one out that the eggs shells are INCREDIBLY tough. Would this have any effect on the ability for them to external pip because most of these had pipped internally last night and still nothing today. ANY ADVICE WOULD BE GREAT!
You might want to do some reading on assisted hatch. (if you haven't already) Sometimes they hatch on their own with an unabsorbed yolk. Other times that can be a complication with an assisted hatch. Sometimes, when a hatch is assisted, and the chick still has yolk to absorb, or blood vessels that aren't dried up yet, the chick is left in the bottom part of the egg shell, with it supported in a cup while the rest of the yolk/blood vessels absorb/dry up. You might dab a bit of betadine or antibiotic ointment on the open wound. Keep it in the incubator and as clean as possible (or if you've put it in the brooder, keep it separated from it's hatch mates until the wound is healed. Perhaps keep it on paper towels or a cotton towel... no shavings until healed. I'm guessing that your incubator temp was a bit low. You might want to tweak it up a bit for the next hatch.
You might want to do some reading on assisted hatch. (if you haven't already) Sometimes they hatch on their own with an unabsorbed yolk. Other times that can be a complication with an assisted hatch. Sometimes, when a hatch is assisted, and the chick still has yolk to absorb, or blood vessels that aren't dried up yet, the chick is left in the bottom part of the egg shell, with it supported in a cup while the rest of the yolk/blood vessels absorb/dry up. You might dab a bit of betadine or antibiotic ointment on the open wound. Keep it in the incubator and as clean as possible (or if you've put it in the brooder, keep it separated from it's hatch mates until the wound is healed. Perhaps keep it on paper towels or a cotton towel... no shavings until healed. I'm guessing that your incubator temp was a bit low. You might want to tweak it up a bit for the next hatch.
Thank you I always enjoy valuable advice! I am guessing that it was my fault. Like I said it piped at the other end and I was worried it would drown. I have read up on assisted hatching but I let my worry get the better of me. I don't know if more time would of helped or if it was stuck to the side and that's why it wasn't positioned correctly. I figured it would die quickly but I lasted a few hours so I got it out shoved what I could back in place and put some antibiotics on it and put it in an empty incubator on a moist washcloth. I just checked on it and it is up moving around I just hope it doesn't hurt itself more. I tried to put some vet wrap around it but it was just not working for me.
GOOD NEWS 2 have piped externally and the one I helped is looking great all but a tiny little hole remains from earlier. I am AMAZED how fast it closed up!
I enjoy helping if I can. I remember when I needed help and sure appreciated those who did. I really am excited for you, that you can enjoy this little miracle firsthand.
Update --- 5 Happy and Healthy chicks on Day 24. I also see 2 more eggs rocking and rolling so. Maybe we might get one or two more. WHO KNOWS!!!!

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