power outage - need advice UPDATE

This morning one of the eggs started to crack, just a little bit and by this afternoon nothing more has happened. I am beginning to think the chick died. I'll give it until tomorrow I suppose. This would have been my first ever hatch.
Hang in there...it can take 12-24 hours from first pip to hatch. All signs are promising! Are you taking pictures? Let's see the pipping!
Here is a pic of whats happening. This morning the cracks are larger. They are still alive!
Seconds after I took the pic and edited it, the white egg cracked! Now that one is 3 days past due! Lots of peeping going on in there. If they make it, these are miracle chicks. Surviving 2 power outages, several humidity spikes, (and having me tend them as a newbie!) and during lock down I had to turn other eggs in the incubator and quickly opened the unit several times a day. This is my very first experience and I know next time I will gather the eggs for a few days and put them in all at once. I originally planned to make a second bator for hatching but I could not get the heat and humidity consistent. It was a last minute resort to remove the auto egg turner and have the first batch hatch right in the same bator. I stopped opening the unit and turning the other eggs once the chicks started pipping. I hope this will not harm the other eggs.
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Hen is Buff Orpington, the roo is Rhode Island Red possible OR the egg could have still been fertile from the Buff Orp. Roo the hend were with when I got them. 2 Buff Orp hens, I didn't take the rooster because he was attacking the people too much. I collected the hens eggs with in a week or so but my RIR roo was already interested in one in the buffs.

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