PPBA Show in Stockton, CA in January?

Yes, let's!
We can meet outside the sales barn and wait for it to open, if that sounds good, and then look through the cages together. We'll have to figure out a way to identify ourselves as BYC people, although I've met several of the people in this thread obviously not everybody knows what everyone else looks like. Maybe we could all do something to be a distinguishing characteristic, like wearing something specific? Or bringing a sign that says "BYC"?

It'll be nice to have some BYC friends to wander the show birds with, too--it's more fun to look when you can talk about the birds you're seeing with someone!

Of course! We'll both bring some boxes and cages and have a grand ol' time! I'll respond to your PM later, by the way, I'm at work right now but only for a little bit longer.
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I can't find the link to the Bramha's on the Nor Cal link. But if it is the guy in Palo Alto he has 3 darkies for sale. We definetely want lights.

I can't be sure i can make it there by 7:00, but should be there close to that. Just save me some coffee!!
So... the only thing I'll be looking for at the sales barn is W/BW Ameraucanas and 1 BLRW pullet or hen. I want to try and make some blue laced EEs and OEs.

I'll be wearing a blue 'My Pet Makes Me Breakfast' shirt!
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Harris5 told me about a lady in California who has been working on BLR Ameraucanas. She was incouraging people to join in on her breeding program. I don't remember her name, but you could PM Harris5 and ask her
Harris5 also has a bunch of young BLRW pullets and roosters for sale right now from Foley's, Paul's Poultry and Blue Poultry. I think she is planning on going to the Stockton show. She lives in Northern California.
I don't know if anyone said it, but new birds show up all day long; a member/breeder will buy a sale cage, & refill it every time the birds in it are sold... the rest may be in the car or underneath. They're not allowed to overfill the sale cage.

And... it's so nuts in there they get distracted, so if you want a bird, park yourself by it and make sure they know you want it (I felt bad last year... was buying a chicken diaper from a breeder, and the person waiting behind me looked away for one second.... in which time another person stepped in & bought the one hen of hers that he wanted).
Boxes & shavings are available for $1 I think ... donated by 4Hers, so you shouldn't need to bring those. But bring lots of $$$.
Even if you don't buy birds or eggs there are lots of raffles going on, and stuff at the BYC table I hope to see there!
Oh and the food, which is a fundraiser for the club.
Last year was my first year, or I might have even more to say
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I don't know if anyone is interested, but my son has two extra male call ducks 8 month old first generation pied (so they still look like greys). He is only asking $15 each and we could bring them to stockton with us at the end of the month.

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