prayer needed now!

**I blame this all on my Pastor's message today about it goes...

My sophmore year I was in a care/psych ward for a min. of 3 weeks but not for attempting to do anything severe...I suppose I voluntarily admitted myself but not to my knowlegde. I just didn't want to go home and they said I could spend the night there...just sign here and here and I didn't read the dotted line.

I will tell you there was a ward there that I heard of that had the more severe was just around the bend. Every now and then I'd hear howling and wailing.

My section wasn't too bad...just some confused kids...misunderstood kids.

The personel woke me up to give me sleeping pills which I complained about. If I'm asleep...why wake me up?

I started hiding the drugs they gave me under my tongue and flushing them later. I didn't like them.

I was trouble for a while but I learned it wasn't getting me any where so I started being a "good" little girl and was discharged.

It's hard you know? I mean, on the outside you'd see my family and think...regular people...but my mom was a depressed person and spent her time in bed after work. My dad was always at work or on business trips. I had 3 older sisters and we either hated each other or loved each other...depending on the year.

But I was the baby...6 years youngest from the next. The last one in the house. I felt so all alone.

I had requests but was ignored and so I rebelled. My grandfather was a drunk and it wasn't any secret he was highly innapropriate and had done things....I didn't ask for my dad never to see him again. I just asked for them never to leave me alone with him...but they failed me.

I wanted to go back to the public school...but my dad wanted the private one on my resume'. No matter the fact that rich kids can often get into more trouble and then have their daddy's lawyer get them out of it...and I was surrounded by trouble. Forget about acedemics...I wanted a normal "childhood." At least as normal as I could make it.

You--We--here and there in your neighborhood, don't know what this girls cry for help is about. She could be like me, a victim of circumstance with parents that think they are "good" but are just so emotionally detached and not present but put up a good front. It could be a number of any kind of things and reasons...and it is never for us to judge.

If she feels safe telling your dd things...and your dd is up for being there and lending an ear and providing some constructive councel and hugs and it will be okay's...then God bless her soul. Ultimately, it will have to be a professional that she has to release all of what's she's harboring to, to get results.

If your dd tires and it's just to demanding and affecting her and bringing her's ok...she did her best and we are all in God's hands and you and your dd can continue to pray for her...but ultimately it is the girls choice to move forward...

she should take this time to speak out for herself and hopefully things can get worked out--things will be put into place and executed. Hopefully people will listen and good will come of this. And she will find, perhaps, that she is never alone when she comes to the realization that she is one of God's children.

It was my 23rd year that I came back to opening my heart up to God. I thought how could there be a God if bad things happen? But I understand now.

And it is my intention today...though not as comfortable was it to put it all out be one of the ones that says, I've been there and I survived. I've got 2 beautiful little girls and a husband doing his best, serving his country and his family over in Iraq. Life is full of battles and as long as I have Christ..."I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." phillipians.

I believe this young girl is a fighter and she will Jesus Christ's name I do pray for more then I have words for in His Holy name, Amen.

Love in Christ,
Oh Miss Jane - I just found this thread. Wasn't on much of yesterday or last night - had a house full of company. I'm so sorry I didn't get to post a prayer but I will still pray that the Lord will keep and watch over this troubled young woman - that your daughter will be recognized as the true friend she is - that the family of the young girl will be united in recognizing her pain and helping her through it. It may be a long road for such a young person to walk but I pray and know that the Lord will be there every step of the way.

In Jesus' name - Amen

oh, thank you everyone! we are awaiting updates, but if she has been admitted to a psych ward, that may be awhile.

Monique...i am in agreement with you!

thank You God for peace of heart and love unfailing!

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