Prayer Request x3... *On the flip side of surgery* UPDATE

Iowa Roo Mom

Resistance Is Futile
11 Years
Apr 30, 2009
Keokuk County
I am asking for prayers for a few things. There is unrest in my life right now, and I am hoping that soon all will work out, and I will never doubt the power of prayer, so here goes.

1) SO is still out of work. He is a paramedic, and a darned good one. The problem is, in rural SE Iowa, no one is hiring right now... With the exception of one hospital about 50 miles away (Centerville). Please pray that he gets the job... I know alot of us and our loved ones are facing unemployment, and I feel bad for asking, but I also know prayer works!

2) Please pray that I get accepted back at the community college here in my hometown. I say this not because I don't like the college I am currently attending, but because that school is an hour away, one way. I have been driving 500 miles a week amd in the winter it's a little stressful, not to mention that when I start clinicals, it will be even further away, anywhere from 50-100 miles one way. Plus, if Chris gets the job in Centerville, we would move to Bloomfield, which would be halfway between his work and my school/work, and Diesel and I have decided that we're tired of living alone.

3) Please pray that they find the source of my illness. Last week I was having nausea and abdominal pain, so bad that it brought me to the ER on Saturday. I know my gallbladder is low functioning, but the surgeon wants to repeat some of the tests, including a HIDA scan next Tuesday and an endoscopy Wednesday. I have a "gut feeling" (no pun intended) that I am going to end up flat on my back on an OR table before this is all over, but I will keep y'all posted.

So please, if it's not to much to ask, just remember Chris and I in your prayers. BYC has always been a great source of support for me, and I know I can always count on my fowl loving friends!

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I hope that everything works out in the end.
Things will work out how they are supposed to be... even though we dont see it at the time. I believe that..
Well, I had another attack shortly after 1 AM and ended up in the ER which landed me in the hospital. The doc needs to justify the surgery with one more test, then I think I'm off to the OR Monday or Tuesday. *sigh* I am so sick of being sick...

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