prayer warriors (following Jesus Christ, everyone welcome)

No, my parents don't have tattoos and personally wouldn't get them. It's not their thing. But I've discussed me wanting them and they are ok with that. And aware that I'll eventually get them. It doesn't bother them and I've never been discouraged by them for liking tattoos.

Well I'm not in any place to tell anyone what to do, my children included. At least, until they're 18 ha-ha ;)

But this is what I try with my girls(they're quite a bit younger than you, but it would be the same no matter the age)... They can try those temporary tattoos and see if they like staring at it for a couple weeks, especially bif its crooked, because some tattoos(lol, or most) don't end up ANYTHING like what we'd imagined. They usually scrub them off after a few days, tired of looking at a blotch on their arm. ;)

I colored my hair pink and blue in high school, pierced my belly button, and wore my dad's jeans all saggy with chains and boots and all that stuff lol, I expressed myself too, so I know how you feel. I made the mistake of the tattoos way into my 30s, so i was a grown up when i did that, so its not an age thing; everybody wants to be expressive in some way. I would just encourage something less...permanent. ;)

Well I'm not in any place to tell anyone what to do, my children included. At least, until they're 18 ha-ha ;)

But this is what I try with my girls(they're quite a bit younger than you, but it would be the same no matter the age)... They can try those temporary tattoos and see if they like staring at it for a couple weeks, especially bif its crooked, because some tattoos(lol, or most) don't end up ANYTHING like what we'd imagined. They usually scrub them off after a few days, tired of looking at a blotch on their arm. ;)

I colored my hair pink and blue in high school, pierced my belly button, and wore my dad's jeans all saggy with chains and boots and all that stuff lol, I expressed myself too, so I know how you feel. I made the mistake of the tattoos way into my 30s, so i was a grown up when i did that, so its not an age thing; everybody wants to be expressive in some way. I would just encourage something less...permanent. ;)[/quote
That's good advice
Well I'm not in any place to tell anyone what to do, my children included. At least, until they're 18 ha-ha ;)

But this is what I try with my girls(they're quite a bit younger than you, but it would be the same no matter the age)... They can try those temporary tattoos and see if they like staring at it for a couple weeks, especially bif its crooked, because some tattoos(lol, or most) don't end up ANYTHING like what we'd imagined. They usually scrub them off after a few days, tired of looking at a blotch on their arm. ;)

I colored my hair pink and blue in high school, pierced my belly button, and wore my dad's jeans all saggy with chains and boots and all that stuff lol, I expressed myself too, so I know how you feel. I made the mistake of the tattoos way into my 30s, so i was a grown up when i did that, so its not an age thing; everybody wants to be expressive in some way. I would just encourage something less...permanent. ;)

Thank you for the advice :) I don't want tattoos untill I'm older because I want to make sure I REALLY want it. And I would definitely do a temporary tattoo type thing.

Haha, you sound like you were a lot like me :lol: With some slight differences though. Which brings me to my original question that I don't feel was really answered. Is liking to look or dress a bit eccentric considered vanity? Can you be expressive about your appearance and humble at the same time?

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