prayer warriors (following Jesus Christ, everyone welcome)

1 John 3:7 KJV
Little children, let no man deceive you: he that doeth righteousness is righteous, even as he is righteous.

A friend of mine told me recently that she was especially grieving over the recent death of her beloved brother because she did not know if he was saved. He did not attend any church and was not a member of any denomination. But he was a kind, thoughtful and generous man. She told me with tears of the many kind things he had done for her and many other people. We know that our good deeds do not save us; only faith in the blood of Jesus Christ can do that. But Jesus does talk about how, in the Judgment, He will separate the saved from the lost, saying, "I was hungry and you did not feed me. Naked and you did not clothe me. Thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink. In prison and you did not visit me." I saw this scripture tonight and shared it with her. I hope it comforts her. Her brother's actions will not save him, but perhaps they are evidence that he was saved; that he did belong to Jesus. Membership in a church does not guarantee salvation. Belonging to Jesus does. And that changes us, so we become like Him. May that be our experience, is my prayer, in His name.
Just a reminder that @All4Eggz has family in Ukraine, guys. He assures me they are still safe at the present time, as they live on the western side of the country, but please keep them and all the brave people of the area in your prayers. And thank God for all the blessings and freedoms we enjoy and take for granted, too! Thanks!
Ouch, that hurts! Praying for your Grandma, Lemon-Drop. Does she live alone, or does she have someone to help her?
My grandpa lives with her, though it’s very draining for him. She’s been getting pretty bad arthritis, and has a bunch of other health problems. My family has been taking turns going up and visiting to help out.
My grandpa lives with her, though it’s very draining for him. She’s been getting pretty bad arthritis, and has a bunch of other health problems. My family has been taking turns going up and visiting to help out.
If they have Medicaid, they can get a home health aide to help them at no cost to them. They can even pay a family member to help.
My grandpa lives with her, though it’s very draining for him. She’s been getting pretty bad arthritis, and has a bunch of other health problems. My family has been taking turns going up and visiting to help out.
She’s having surgery tomorrow, too.

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