prayer warriors (following Jesus Christ, everyone welcome)

You could read it together and discuss it, like a book club book. Bedtime here, good night! ❤️

I have two devotionals I'd like to recommend, and neither one is aligned with any particular Christian denomination:

Tozer on the Almighty God by A.W. Tozer

My Utmost for His Highest by Oswald Chambers

Both have given me inspiration and comfort.

One of our favorites has been: The Knowledge of the Holy, by A.W. Tozer

@Starburst just wanted to share this amazing true story on Corrie ten Boon...most know bout thr book The Hiding Place and her life story during the holocaust. But not many know of this one and it is a gem!
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Thank you so much everyone for your recommendations! I'll be sure to check them out, and it means a lot to me that you told me about books I had no idea existed! If you think of anything else, let me know, but this is great!
May the LORD bless all of you! ❤️

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