prayer warriors (following Jesus Christ, everyone welcome)

Please pray for safety while traveling for my family today. We have a doctors appointment we’re trying to get to and there’s a lot of flooding going on in that area.

Praying for all requests.

Though I need a little prayer myself. Still having issues at work/with my boss. At the point of trying to "fix" it or move on. Just need some clarity of what the next step is.

My back and neck pain has returned. Now I have developed swelling at the base of my neck. Currently cannot afford or have time to see a chiropractor. Please pray for healing.

we didn't fix my car but at least we know for sure it is not the engine. I need to find another mechanic to check some part.

can you please pray that I find spare keys, they just disappeared.
Praying for all of you!
If you all could pray for my Grandpa, it would be very much appreciated. He's the one who had Covid a few months ago. He's better from that now, but he's had some lingering back pain and swelling in his legs. The doctor's think it may be cancer, and he's going in for a biopsy tomorrow. Please pray for him and my family. He's like the centerpiece, the one who holds us all together. I don't know what we would do without him.
If you all could pray for my Grandpa, it would be very much appreciated. He's the one who had Covid a few months ago. He's better from that now, but he's had some lingering back pain and swelling in his legs. The doctor's think it may be cancer, and he's going in for a biopsy tomorrow. Please pray for him and my family. He's like the centerpiece, the one who holds us all together. I don't know what we would do without him.
Praying! :hugs
Prayers for my mother in law (and husband).
She has Lewy Body dementia and things are not going well.
My husband's sisters want him to come up there but he isn't sure he can handle seeing his mother that way.
That's a tough one. Dementia is hard on the family. :hugs Praying for your husband, his sisters, his mom and her husband. Praying for clarity for your husband to know what to do and courage to do it, strength and faith for the sisters and husband, and just peace and comfort for the mom. May the Lord be very near to all involved. Amen. ❤️
If you all could pray for my Grandpa, it would be very much appreciated. He's the one who had Covid a few months ago. He's better from that now, but he's had some lingering back pain and swelling in his legs. The doctor's think it may be cancer, and he's going in for a biopsy tomorrow. Please pray for him and my family. He's like the centerpiece, the one who holds us all together. I don't know what we would do without him.
Psalm 103 to all of you. :hugs
I’ve been feeling ill again. Not sure why. It may be just stress but I’ve been nauseous, tired, cold, brain fog and just generally not feeling well since last week. It’s bad enough that it makes it difficult to function normally. I’ve spent most of today in bed. Please pray that whatever this is isn’t something serious and goes away quickly.
I’m finally starting to feel better. I think a large part of the issues were stress/anxiety induced. With everything that’s been going on with family and college. But things are finally starting to sort themselves out. And the family issues are getting better too. This week we realized one of moms meds was to high of a dosage and it’s one that affects her mentally so lowering that should help a great deal.
Please pray for safety while traveling for my family today. We have a doctors appointment we’re trying to get to and there’s a lot of flooding going on in that area.
We managed to get in and out of town safe. There were more storms behind us and several of the bridges were close to flooding so I’m staying at the house of the family member I was driving. I’ll probably try head home this afternoon when the flooding has gone town again.

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