prayer warriors (following Jesus Christ, everyone welcome)

I'm new here my name is Paul I wasn't saved until i was 35 .I lived like hell literally until then . I am 53 now married and have 2 children Will 12 and Lauren 3 .
We have battled both spiritually and physically ,cancer in my wife's body. Right now she takes an experimental treatment from Pfizer. We are blessed that they are picking up tab. I am proud to say I serve a covenant making, covenant keeping God .
I teach an adult discipleship class at church. So i went from living in the sewer to living in a mansion . I am truly a miracle that could only be by God.
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Great to see this thread! Im new to chickens and this form!! So far it seems like God made chickens for more then just eating!:)

I'm new here my name is Paul I wasn't saved until i was 35 .I lived like bell literally until then . I am 53 now married and have 2 children Will 12 and Lauren 4 .
We have battled both spiritually and physically ,cancer in my wife's body. Right now she takes an experimental treatment from Pfizer. We are blessed that they are picking up tab. I am proud to say I serve a covenant making, covenant keeping God .
I teach an adult discipleship class at church. So i went from living in the sewer to living in a mansion . I am truly a miracle that could only be by God.

It's great to have you two with us! Paul, I'll pray for you and your family, especially your wife. How amazing that He turned your life around like that!
So if you want to get into heaven then you have to know the password.

The password is... "I accept Jesus Christ as my lord and savior"

Jake, YOU are a miracle, beloved adopted son of the King of the universe. I praise God for the growth I've seen in you over the last year!

Great to see this thread! Im new to chickens and this form!! So far it seems like God made chickens for more then just eating!:)

Glad to have you join us. There are a lot of believers here on this forum. How could His people not love chickens. They are such an awesome creation. A chicken it'self is a testimony of the power of God!!!

I'm new here my name is Paul I wasn't saved until i was 35 .I lived like bell literally until then . I am 53 now married and have 2 children Will 12 and Lauren 4 .
We have battled both spiritually and physically ,cancer in my wife's body. Right now she takes an experimental treatment from Pfizer. We are blessed that they are picking up tab. I am proud to say I serve a covenant making, covenant keeping God .
I teach an adult discipleship class at church. So i went from living in the sewer to living in a mansion . I am truly a miracle that could only be by God.

Paul. I'm thrilled that you have joined us. It's sweet to hear a bit of your testimony. My hubby and I have also been down the road of not knowing if we'd have many tomorrows together. Facing the possible death of a spouse is a wake up call: to the temporary nature of this life, and the need to place this life in the hands of God through Jesus Christ: He said, I am The way, The truth, and The life. No man comes to the Father but through me.
We stand on God's Word: Psalms 91
1 He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High
Shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.
2 I will say of theLord, “He is my refuge and my fortress;
My God, in Him I will trust.”

3 Surely He shall deliver you from the snare of the fowler
And from the perilous pestilence.
4 He shall cover you with His feathers,
And under His wings you shall take refuge;
His truth shall be your shield and buckler.
5 You shall not be afraid of the terror by night,
Nor of the arrowthat flies by day,
6 Nor of the pestilence thatwalks in darkness,
Nor of the destruction thatlays waste at noonday.

7 A thousand may fall at your side,
And ten thousand at your right hand;
But it shall not come near you.
8 Only with your eyes shall you look,
And see the reward of the wicked.

9 Because you have made the Lord,who is my refuge,
Even the Most High, your dwelling place,
10 No evil shall befall you,
Nor shall any plague come near your dwelling;
11 For He shall give His angels charge over you,
To keep you in all your ways.
12 In their hands they shall bear you up,
Lest you dash your foot against a stone.
13 You shall tread upon the lion and the cobra,
The young lion and the serpent you shall trample underfoot.

14 “Because he has set his love upon Me, therefore I will deliver him;
I will set him on high, because he has known My name.
15 He shall call upon Me, and I will answer him;
I will be with him in trouble;
I will deliver him and honor him.
16 With long life I will satisfy him,
And show him my salvation.
So if you want to get into heaven then you have to know the password.

The password is... "I accept Jesus Christ as my lord and savior"

Yes Jake, I think that's kind of true... keeping in mind the pharisees who said Lord Lord, and were told "go away, I never knew you"

So the password cannot simply be lip service but MUST be written in your heart.

Anybody seen @shortgrass lately?
I PM'd her a short while back... and our sister could use some prayer!

In MY experience, people who are really on fire for the Lord, as she has been lately.. and who have had some growth and shaping in their life, as I KNOW we have seen here... are OFTEN put to the flame of proofing! :barnieShe is heavy on my heart, and I'm glad you asked about her. She really is a lovely person! @shortgrass I miss the heat you were bringin' to this thread. :hugs So much raw emotion and truth, sharing of your own shortcomings and challenges and how you realize and work to grow past them.. really helped to shine a spot light in my own heart so that something could grow in my own dark places!

Let us rally around our family and lift each other up. :fl
So happy to see some new blood on this thread!!! :wee Welcome! :woot
Yes Jake, I think that's kind of true... keeping in mind the pharisees who said Lord Lord, and were told "go away, I never knew you"

So the password cannot simply be lip service but MUST be written in your heart.

I PM'd her a short while back... and our sister could use some prayer!

In MY experience, people who are really on fire for the Lord, as she has been lately.. and who have had some growth and shaping in their life, as I KNOW we have seen here... are OFTEN put to the flame of proofing! :barnieShe is heavy on my heart, and I'm glad you asked about her. She really is a lovely person! @shortgrass I miss the heat you were bringin' to this thread. :hugs So much raw emotion and truth, sharing of your own shortcomings and challenges and how you realize and work to grow past them.. really helped to shine a spot light in my own heart so that something could grow in my own dark places!

Let us rally around our family and lift each other up. :fl
So happy to see some new blood on this thread!!! :wee Welcome! :woot

I know

I'll be praying for her

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