prayer warriors (following Jesus Christ, everyone welcome)

Hey, could y’all pray that I can get my email working again. It went down over the weekend and I didn’t think much of it since it’s gone down and then fixed itself before. Unfortunately when I logged back on yesterday it still wasn’t working. I’ve been trying to start the recovery process for it but can’t even get that to work. Please that I’m able to get it up and working again quickly and that it hasn’t been hacked. I need it for work and school and all my various accounts including this one are attached so it’s causing some pretty major problems right now.
Shouldn't be worried, but I would still stay in the basement anyway, just in case.
Thank you, we have been out of the basement for a while now, they canceled it fortunately but still said there is a possibility of severe weather.

A bridge nearby was closed due to high winds and waves up to 30 ft. The tornado, fortunately, went around us and did some damage to areas near the bridge about 9 miles from where we live.

We were doing the neighbors chores when the alert came over on the phones, then our neighbors neighbor came over and warned us to get home and in the basement.
Imagine rushing three cats, and two birds down into a basement. :th .
Hey, could y’all pray that I can get my email working again. It went down over the weekend and I didn’t think much of it since it’s gone down and then fixed itself before. Unfortunately when I logged back on yesterday it still wasn’t working. I’ve been trying to start the recovery process for it but can’t even get that to work. Please that I’m able to get it up and working again quickly and that it hasn’t been hacked. I need it for work and school and all my various accounts including this one are attached so it’s causing some pretty major problems right now.
Already done! 😉
A thousand things is right! Shopping at the grocery store thinking.. oh .. Scott might want this. I'm always taking about something Scott would do or say when I see something while driving with the kids. I'm hoping this will slow down. Still crying a lot. Hard, even though we know they're happy. Can I be nosey? You don't need to share if you don't want if course. Just wondering how you lost your husband. It's so wonderful that your husband found God before he left this earth. 💓
No, I don't mind sharing. He was terminally ill with CML, leukemia, when I met him. We were together a little over 3 years, married about a year and a half. I asked God what He was thinking. I told Him, I've got no future with this guy, he's dying. God said, nobody has a future, they only think they do. So, I said yes. God said He needed somebody to show this man what love is before he died, and He chose me. We had a wonderful, amazing .. and horrible! .. time together. I wouldn't have missed it for the world. In many ways I wish I had done a better job for the Lord. But He did use me, in spite of myself, and for that I will always be both humbled and grateful. ❤️
Hi everyone, there was a tornado warning issued here, we’re all going to be in the basement.😰 my and my brothers anxiety is growing and we’re both pretty scared. My sister is being the brave one and helping the rest of the family collect needed stuff.

any prayers would be very helpful.
We got ya. ❤️ :hugs
Thanking God right now the tornado warning was canceled! :th it’s still windy like crazy outside.

we all got into the basement we got all the animals except the dog down there and what do they do, they cancel it!😅
Prayers answered then! Thank You, Lord!
I am back to ask for prayers for a former coworker and Facebook friend. She was a widow with two sons. The younger one was killed in an accident, and about the time they were burying him, the older one was diagnosed with an internal problem. I don't really remember what she said it was. Her two boys passed months apart. The older one left behind a wife, new baby, and (I think two) other children.

She is beyond distraught and spends a lot of time crying and holding their pictures. It's hard to even imagine what she is going through. She is a Christian. Please pray that God will lessen her pain. Thank you.

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