prayer warriors (following Jesus Christ, everyone welcome)

A reminder for all of you:
God loves you! He is great and loving and perfect!
God doesn't expect us:
To be perfect
To stand on the street corner yelling the gospel
To save everyone (although it doesn't hurt to help someone with their faith)
To not sin

What he expects of us is:
To realize our faults and pray for forgiveness
To act like Christians
To love, respect, and help others (even if we don't share beliefs)
To do our best!

Remember that Jesus hated nobody, even when they disagreed he still never hated. It's impossible to be a "perfect Christian" but it is possible to be a good Christian simply by following the thing that God expects of us (and a few other things). If we were supposed to be perfect then there would have been no reason for Jesus's sacrifice and there's a reason for everything. I HIGHLY recommend reading the 7 day devotional that @Lemon-Drop posted, it is a beautiful sentiment. I hope this helps you guys!
I don't entirely agree with this, though, PCG. It doesn't go far enough. A good Christian is not just someone who behaves in good ways, as I'm sure you realize. Christianity is not about behavior but about relationship. That's why Jesus told His disciples, "Unless your righteousness exceeds that of the scribes and Pharisees, you can't enter the kingdom of heaven." And they were all like, "Whaaaat?" Then nobody can be saved, 'cuz ain't nobody more righteous than those dudes! If we don't have that living, loving relationship with the Father through Jesus, then no matter how "perfect" our lives may appear, it doesn't mean anything. We have to surrender our lives to Him, day by day, moment by moment, trusting all to Him.
I don't entirely agree with this, though, PCG. It doesn't go far enough. A good Christian is not just someone who behaves in good ways, as I'm sure you realize. Christianity is not about behavior but about relationship. That's why Jesus told His disciples, "Unless your righteousness exceeds that of the scribes and Pharisees, you can't enter the kingdom of heaven." And they were all like, "Whaaaat?" Then nobody can be saved, 'cuz ain't nobody more righteous than those dudes! If we don't have that living, loving relationship with the Father through Jesus, then no matter how "perfect" our lives may appear, it doesn't mean anything. We have to surrender our lives to Him, day by day, moment by moment, trusting all to Him.
I was going to say I didn’t agree with it completely either.
Please add @getaclue to the prayer list. I met her on the My Leukemia's Back thread and she's said we can add her. She's starting a new Rx and it sounds like the side effects can be pretty brutal. Incidentally, thanks, @Pampered chicken girl for "accidentally" posting over there, I would never have met her if you hadn't! See, there's a reason for everything, God led you to post there. Always give thanks to God for EVERYTHING, when we walk with Him there are no accidents. ❤️
A reminder for all of you:
God loves you! He is great and loving and perfect!
God doesn't expect us:
To be perfect
To stand on the street corner yelling the gospel
To save everyone (although it doesn't hurt to help someone with their faith)
To not sin

What he expects of us is:
To realize our faults and pray for forgiveness
To act like Christians
To love, respect, and help others (even if we don't share beliefs)
To do our best!

Remember that Jesus hated nobody, even when they disagreed he still never hated. It's impossible to be a "perfect Christian" but it is possible to be a good Christian simply by following the thing that God expects of us (and a few other things). If we were supposed to be perfect then there would have been no reason for Jesus's sacrifice and there's a reason for everything. I HIGHLY recommend reading the 7 day devotional that @Lemon-Drop posted, it is a beautiful sentiment. I hope this helps you guys!
Really good job, that’s super well written!

I do agree with @BigBlueHen53 and @All4Eggz though, but I get what you’re saying. :)
I don't entirely agree with this, though, PCG. It doesn't go far enough. A good Christian is not just someone who behaves in good ways, as I'm sure you realize. Christianity is not about behavior but about relationship. That's why Jesus told His disciples, "Unless your righteousness exceeds that of the scribes and Pharisees, you can't enter the kingdom of heaven." And they were all like, "Whaaaat?" Then nobody can be saved, 'cuz ain't nobody more righteous than those dudes! If we don't have that living, loving relationship with the Father through Jesus, then no matter how "perfect" our lives may appear, it doesn't mean anything. We have to surrender our lives to Him, day by day, moment by moment, trusting all to Him.
The point of it was more to let people lnow that you don't have to be perfect, that God gets you. To be a good Christian you have to have a relationship with God and Jesus, but this was more of a reminder that God loves you, even though your not perfect.
Please add @getaclue to the prayer list. I met her on the My Leukemia's Back thread and she's said we can add her. She's starting a new Rx and it sounds like the side effects can be pretty brutal. Incidentally, thanks, @Pampered chicken girl for "accidentally" posting over there, I would never have met her if you hadn't! See, there's a reason for everything, God led you to post there. Always give thanks to God for EVERYTHING, when we walk with Him there are no accidents. ❤️
That's amazing ❤️
Really good job, that’s super well written!

I do agree with @BigBlueHen53 and @All4Eggz though, but I get what you’re saying. :)

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