prayer warriors (following Jesus Christ, everyone welcome)

James 1:12 KJV
Blessed is the man that endureth temptation: for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord hath promised to them that love him.

1 Thessalonians 5:18 NKJV
in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.

Have you trials and temptations? Thank God for them. Is life difficult and annoying, painful or sorrowful? It may seem counterintuitive to thank God for the bad things that happen in our lives, but He who cannot lie has promised:

Romans 8:28 KJV
And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.

Try thanking God in ALL things, and see how He turns your trials into blessings. Share your results!

Have you ever thought God wasn't listening, that He didn't care, or maybe even didn't exist because your prayers weren't being answered - only to be surprised later when God DID answer them, in a bigger and better way?

Tell us about it! ❤️
Have you ever thought God wasn't listening, that He didn't care, or maybe even didn't exist because your prayers weren't being answered - only to be surprised later when God DID answer them, in a bigger and better way?

Tell us about it! ❤️

So many times that I don't even know how to pick just one but probably the one that sticks out to me most in my life would be when things were seemingly all going the "wrong" way.

About 10 years ago, my husband had started a new job but he was really struggling. He wasn't complaining about the job itself but I could tell he was unhappy every day when he got home. I prayed so much for guidance on what we should do, or what I should even try to say to him as a supportive wife. Nothing. Deep down I was really hoping it was just new job jitters and he was just still working out how to get comfortable there.
Only a week or so in to the job, my grandfather passed away. I had to take leave and had to fly out west, leaving my downtrodden husband behind so that my mother and I could work out the final details for my grandfather and his belongings.
Several things happened that were SO HARD in this short time period. I seriously started to feel like praying didn't matter.
I came home, my husband clearly wasn't feeling well and this is when I realized something was wrong with his body, rather than his new job. His feet were so swollen he couldn't tie his shoes. I called his doctor and he said we needed to go to the ER.
Shortly after this, he had open heart surgery, he lost his new job because he hadn't even made it through his 90 days.

So all of the above sounds horrible but here is the silver lining and how I know that all of these things fell into place at exactly the right time.

It was the long walk from his car to his new work station that started to cause my husband chest pain. His heart had been clogged for a very long time but if it weren't for that job, he could have suffered a heart attack or heart failure with no signs of illness.
My grandfather left me a small inheritance that made it possible for me to extend my leave of absence from work and stay with my husband while he recovered as well as cover all of the medical expenses. It was a stressful experience but to not even need to worry about the financial aspect during that time was astronomical.
While my husband was still recovering he got a call from his previous employer and they told him that when he was ready, he had a job waiting for him.

So, everything seemed to be going wrong but I truly believe God made all of those pieces fall into place at precisely the right time to make a stressful situation, less stressful. If I ever had doubts, they were removed through those few weeks.
I'm genuinely curious, how do Christians reconcile public prayer with the teaching of Christ about specifically praying in private?
"And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites. For they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by men. Truly I tell you, they already have their reward. But when you pray, go into your inner room, shut your door, and pray to your Father, who is unseen. And your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you."- Matthew 6:5-6
Peace and love to all of you
I'm genuinely curious, how do Christians reconcile public prayer with the teaching of Christ about specifically praying in private?

Peace and love to all of you
This verse doesn’t mean not to pray in public, as there are times when it is appropriate, such thanking God for a meal or provision, praying over a sick person, during a church service, and other examples. During the time Matthew was written (and honestly, at any time, including now), some people, especially religious leaders, wanted to be seen as holy and used public prayer to get attention. They were not sincere. Jesus saw through their “acts” and taught that prayer was private communication with God and not a public show. This verse spoke about those who only pray in public where others will notice them and do not have a private, personal relationship with God.
So many times that I don't even know how to pick just one but probably the one that sticks out to me most in my life would be when things were seemingly all going the "wrong" way.

About 10 years ago, my husband had started a new job but he was really struggling. He wasn't complaining about the job itself but I could tell he was unhappy every day when he got home. I prayed so much for guidance on what we should do, or what I should even try to say to him as a supportive wife. Nothing. Deep down I was really hoping it was just new job jitters and he was just still working out how to get comfortable there.
Only a week or so in to the job, my grandfather passed away. I had to take leave and had to fly out west, leaving my downtrodden husband behind so that my mother and I could work out the final details for my grandfather and his belongings.
Several things happened that were SO HARD in this short time period. I seriously started to feel like praying didn't matter.
I came home, my husband clearly wasn't feeling well and this is when I realized something was wrong with his body, rather than his new job. His feet were so swollen he couldn't tie his shoes. I called his doctor and he said we needed to go to the ER.
Shortly after this, he had open heart surgery, he lost his new job because he hadn't even made it through his 90 days.

So all of the above sounds horrible but here is the silver lining and how I know that all of these things fell into place at exactly the right time.

It was the long walk from his car to his new work station that started to cause my husband chest pain. His heart had been clogged for a very long time but if it weren't for that job, he could have suffered a heart attack or heart failure with no signs of illness.
My grandfather left me a small inheritance that made it possible for me to extend my leave of absence from work and stay with my husband while he recovered as well as cover all of the medical expenses. It was a stressful experience but to not even need to worry about the financial aspect during that time was astronomical.
While my husband was still recovering he got a call from his previous employer and they told him that when he was ready, he had a job waiting for him.

So, everything seemed to be going wrong but I truly believe God made all of those pieces fall into place at precisely the right time to make a stressful situation, less stressful. If I ever had doubts, they were removed through those few weeks.
Praise God! That's awesome. Thank you so much for sharing. :hugs:love

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