prayer warriors (following Jesus Christ, everyone welcome)

In Matthew 25:31-46 Jesus Christ says that the righteous will go to heaven because of their good deeds and that the wicked will go to hell because of their evil deeds. Evidently Jesus Christ thinks that righteous people can exist and that they'll attain heaven from their actions
No one's good deeds will get them into heaven, Faith produces good works, but Salvation is only by Faith in Christ.
Romans 3:21-22 demonstrates that Jesus's righteousness is given to us by believing in the Lord Jesus Christ, the Father gives us entry into heaven based only on the saving Grace of His Son and His death on the cross for our sins, works/deeds is only the evidence of true salvation, anything that adds to the Grace of God is a False teaching, the Book of Titus makes this very clear.
No one's good deeds will get them into heaven, Faith produces good works, but Salvation is only by Faith in Christ.
Are you saying that Jesus Christ was wrong in Matthew 25:31-46? He Himself says that the righteous will attain heaven specifically because of their good deeds in those very verses

Christ talks about the righteous attaining heaven and the wicked being damned to hell, but he doesn't say a single word about faith in these verses. Only actions
Are you saying that Jesus Christ was wrong in Matthew 25:31-46? He Himself says that the righteous will attain heaven specifically because of their good deeds in those very verses

Christ talks about the righteous attaining heaven and the wicked being damned to hell, but he doesn't say a single word about faith in these verses. Only actions
He is not wrong but you've got to take His words into context as this passage deals with "sheep and goats", those who have placed their faith in Jesus and those who have not. This parable stresses the rewards that believers stand to gain if they are faithful, and the punishment for those who are unfaithful. Those who believed, have been declared righteous by God and enter into heaven, those who did not believe in His son, He tells them depart from me I knew never you.
We cannot take 1 parable out of context, you must look at the entirety of scriptures when making discernment on specific words used as an illustration to teach Jesus's disciples.
all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God - Romans 3:23

There is none righteous no, not one….

Romans 3:10-12

English Standard Version

10 as it is written:
“None is righteous, no, not one;
11 no one understands;
no one seeks for God.
12 All have turned aside; together they have become worthless;
no one does good,
not even one.”
Ok...lets not have Bible bashes here. We can all respect each others ways of understanding Christ. We've pretty much turned this into a Prayer thread which I think was wise. Quotes from the Bible are great as long as it doesn't turn into a heated discussion. Don't agree with someone's post? ..then don't push the like button. We're all God's children. It saddens him to see discord in discussing scripture. There are a lot of different denominations here. We're all loving Christ and sharing that love. That's what matters. ❤️ Maybe private message someone if you would like to..discuss. This thread came close to being shut down at one time. Then it became quiet. Then we decided to pray for each other. It's been great.
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Ok...lets not have Bible bashes here. We can all respect each others ways of understanding Christ. We've pretty much turned this into a Prayer thread which I think was wise. Quotes from the Bible are great as long as it doesn't turn into a heated discussion. Don't agree with someone's post? ..then don't push the like button. We're all God's children. It saddens him to see discord in discussing scripture. There are a lot of different denominations here. We're all loving Christ and sharing that love. Thats what matters. ❤️ Maybe private message someone if you would like to..discuss. This thread came close to being shut down at one time. Then it became quiet. Then we decided to pray for each other. It's been great.
I completely agree. Religion is a touchy topic, but it’s great seeing people come here to pray for each others health, even if they don’t share the same beliefs.

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