Prayers for my 10 y/o son please..*Update Page 3*

to you and your son.

My oldest son had mono his senior year in high school. He was gladly on total bedrest for 2 weeks. He even missed his senior ball. They were a rough two weeks, but then he recovered fairly quickly, although we made him rest plenty.

Yes, he will have mono in his system for life, but will never have a symptomatic flair up again. Most people had it when they were infants, and don't test positive, but can't get it again. It's a virus like chicken pox, so the worse that can happen in a flair up, is he can give it to someone else.

My best thoughts to you. He will be fine! Just give it some time.
I know what it is like to have a sick tween. Prayers to your son, you, and those who care for you, both physically and emotionally.
My son got mono his junior year and was sick for 3 months, his liver swelled up. He couldn't do anything, got really depressed. It was a horrible time for a 16 yr. old boy. My other son got it when he was 13 had totally different symptoms, wasn't as sick as long and recovered rather quickly. I hope your son recoups fast and I'm praying for him.
well he's gotten thru the weekend with a few tummy aches as he calls them, pretty much a quiet weekend for the most part. My lymph nodes in my neck are swollen though
and hurt....dont know if its just from sinus drainage or if its mono (I'm tired, moreso than usual).
probably the latter... so this too will have to run its course.

So long as the little one gets through it...thats all I care about right now.

Thanks all for all of your help and stories with when you had mono. I keep freaking out when he jumps up and wants to run about - yes, I know, probably overkill on my part but, I'm so worried about his spleen since he's already saying his stomach hurts. Ugh.

How long does mono last - 6-8 weeks or something?
Wow, I just saw this!
Prayers sent, I had mono when I was 13 yrs old. It wasn't fun, but I pulled through it. I remember when they let me go back to school that they wanted me to take the elevator. Due to the tiredness. I refused. It was bad enough to miss that much school, but then to have to ride the elevator... I thought it would draw too much attention.
I ended up walking the stairs like everyone else.

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