Prayers needed for neighbors daughter

Here is an update on Michelle for last night.....

This is a message from her Mom.....

LONG day today so I'm going to be short... Michelle has aspiration pneumonia now and fluid in the plurel cavity. Tomorrow we're doing another bronchoscopy and thorasentesis (sp?) to remove the fluid around her lung. She's really having trouble keeping her O2 stats up and respiratory therapy is in here as much as me now.
hoping she gets better.
I will do my best to keep everyone updated in this situation. We are praying that God will manifest Himself through this so all can see that He still answers prayers.
Here is an update as of last night 5-23-10.....Please continue to pray...earnestly

Well it's been a LONG weekend! Michelle had a broncoscopy yesterday and today to clean out her lungs. An ultrasound showed an insignicant amount of fluid in the pleural space so we didn't need a thorocentises after all. She's still battling a wicked case of pneaumonia and high heart rate though.

Honestly there isn't much anyone can do but wait. There's absolutely no room in her ICU room because she had a 7 pack of IVs going, the vent, and monitors. The hospital has been kind enough to reserve us the waiting room down the hall for anyone that wants to visit. Problem is we are keeping Michelle pretty well medicated to keep the agitation and heartrate down some.

Michelle is alert, hears all, nods yes and no, but she can't see. In a small percentage of GBS patients the cranial nerves are affected. Natuarlly that's Michelle case. Her eyelids don't voluntarily open, she couldn't swallow, her speech was slurred, etc. These things are slowing getting better so right now I'm only worried about the lungs - everything else can be worked on until the nerves can regenerate.
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