Prayers needed for neighbors daughter

Yes, lots of patients have long term effects with this. I think there need to be more talk about more studing on this also, and I am sure that Michelles Mom will make sure that there is. I am going to go now and seeif there is anymore updates.

thanks Aframechickens and keesmom
Update as of May 28th.....from Michelle's Mom.....

Today was a quiet day of rest pretty much. Michelle wore her lungs out yesterday when she went 5 and 1/2 hours without the vent. When they tried it today she only made it about an hour before she was exhausted. They'll do it again tomorrow after she's rested up a bit. They did do some lung stretching things using the vent today to allow her to take ... See Morebigger breathes then the vent and she did good for several hours before it became difficult.

They are hoping to get us out of ICU on Tuesday and move us to another hospital that specializes in weaning people off the vent and trach. Luckily they are letting me go with her because I don't think I could just let her go alone. Once she has her communication back I'll feel better but until then I'm the only one that is a constant for her and can read her lips. We will be there from 1-4 weeks depending on how well she does. From there it's on to rehab for another month and after that they will probably do outpatient rehab for a while.
I'm so glad she's doing better. When you were up here I didn't think things looked that good. She's young and wants to live that's great news and now I can cry for her and her mom. Keep the good news coming.
Sorry I'm just seeing this. More prayers coming. Glad to see some good updates, I hope it's only great updates from here on out.
Thanks WingingIt and bird

Update as of May 29th.....from Michelle's Mom

Definitely getting better daily. The nurses have been so worried about her that several of them call in on their days off to check on her status. The ones that haven't seen her since last week are shocked at how much she's improved. Everyone keeps saying that Michelle is the youngest and has the most serious case of Guillain-Barre Syndrome they've ... See Moreever seen. Even her neurologist says she has a very serious case but he was shocked at how remarkable her improvement has been so far. She had her eyes open when he came in the room and he said, "Oh Wow! That's a huge improvement from two days ago." Every day we see more and more little signs of the nerves regenerating and he said we have about 4 -6 more weeks of that IVIG treatment working to kill off the rogue antibodies so the nerves can heal and regenerate. Everyone keep up the good thoughts and prayers!

She had a good night but complained of throat pain (trach), hip pain, back pain and a cramp in her left foot. The hip and back pain were probably from being in the bed so long and a little repositioning helped that. The foot cramp was pretty exciting because if she has foot pain it means she can feel her foot. She probably didn't understand my excitement so I just shut up and rubbed lotion on it like she asked.
Update for June 3rd.....from Michelle's Mom

Yesterday was a huge day for Michelle! She got rid of the vent and is now breathing with just oxygen. She also passed her swallowing test and got her feeding tube removed. First food of choice was applesauce. She's moving her legs alot more and improving daily.

We should be moving from ICU to PCU later today then to Rehab on Friday. Both ICU & PCU are 6th so we are just scooting all our crap down the hall.
Jo- She did request an egg for breakfast but they sent her this playdough looking baby waffle that even smelled like playdough! She decided on more applesauce instead.

PT gave her a big work out today. They had her sitting up on the side of the bed doing her therapy for the second day in a row. Even the PT staff can't believe how fast she's recovering. Everyone keeps coming up to see her because she's had such remarkable progress in such a short period of time.

This is wonderful news
Just saw your post. I too will be praying for continued healing. Hope all is going well. And that Michelle realized God has purpose for her life. Thank you for keeping us updated.
Here is the latest update on Michelle.....from her Mom

It's been super busy with Michelle and getting her to rehab. Our biggest issues were with her blood sugar! They really need to teach more about Type 1 Diabetes to medical professionals. After struggling for several weeks to regulate her sugar they have decided to give up and let us do it.

It sad that some dr.s' dont' even know it all like some think they do.

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