Precious..the blind Barred Rock hen

Yes. I agree, I will add that she may not have a good life living with the abled flock. Maybe get her a blind friend ❤ Not always a possibility but it would be good to see a pair like that. I have heard of a blind chicken living with a dear chicken as well
She's actually doing very well with the flock I have. I would say she may be at the bottom of the pecking order, but otherwise is not bothered too much. The other hens mostly leave her alone, and she is often found with them. I have monitored the behavior of others with her, and it is usually very normal. I'm happy with how things are for her.
She's actually doing very well with the flock I have. I would say she may be at the bottom of the pecking order, but otherwise is not bothered too much. The other hens mostly leave her alone, and she is often found with them. I have monitored the behavior of others with her, and it is usually very normal. I'm happy with how things are for her.
Great, I would have assumed that she was picked on. ❤️
Update on Precious....

I've been away for a week, but at least three of my 21 week old hens are laying. I put a camera in to watch the nests this week, because I am curious if Precious is one of the layers. Today I see her repeatedly going into the nest boxes, but she seems to rush right out of them, maybe unsure of what she needs to do. There are other eggs in there, so I am also wondering how she will do with her sight issues. Will she just stomp on the eggs and break them all, or is she able to be gentle with them. In any case, I'm monitoring, and hoping to see her lay an egg. To me, this will be an occasion to celebrate. She has gone through so much with her blindness, but has also overcome it all in one way or another.

And as I'm watching, our cockerel just entered one of the nests...clucked a bit...stepped out..and now Precious has entered that nest. Maybe........ :)
I hope this works. He is doing his job showing her where to go so....... :fl
Precious continues to explore the nest boxes. For the past several days, she spends a lot of time in and out of the boxes. She goes in....musses things up...exits....goes to the other nest..and then repeats this process over and over again for about an hour each day. It's funny to watch, because sometimes she misses the boxes completely, and is trying to find the opening to the nest box by walking into walls. It's like she's confused..and there WAS an opening...but then she can't find it...and then she does...and then she does the nest box shuffle all over again. Hopefully she will lay an egg soon, and join the others who have already started laying. All the new girls (7) are 21 weeks, and at least three are laying. Two Rhode Island Reds, and one Buff Oprington. I have three Barred Rock pullets (one is Precious) who are all showing interest in the boxes.
Well..I will have to try observing better tomorrow, but I believe Precious has laid an egg! She was the only one today who spent a ton of time going in and out of the nesting boxes. I checked a few times after she stepped away, and never found anything. But, I just checked again, and found a tiny little egg by the coop door, where she hangs out often. At one point, while I was observing her behavior over the coop camera, she was belting out the egg song after being over in that area. The egg is small, but appears like a first egg...very little..very narrow. Precious herself is out on the run roost, sitting pretty, like she is proud of herself! I'm proud of her. I think she has arrived, and joined the big girls.

Oh, and on another note...remember my mean hen Gwyneth? The one who was terrorizing everyone for the longest time? Well, Precious is often found near Gwyneth out in the run, and she isn't bothered by Gwyneth anymore. And, I found her roosting next to Gwyneth last night! Everything has changed..but for the better.
Here is the egg, next to one laid by Daisy (the surrogate mom hen), my 2 1/2 year old ISA Brown.
Well..I will have to try observing better tomorrow, but I believe Precious has laid an egg! She was the only one today who spent a ton of time going in and out of the nesting boxes. I checked a few times after she stepped away, and never found anything. But, I just checked again, and found a tiny little egg by the coop door, where she hangs out often. At one point, while I was observing her behavior over the coop camera, she was belting out the egg song after being over in that area. The egg is small, but appears like a first egg...very little..very narrow. Precious herself is out on the run roost, sitting pretty, like she is proud of herself! I'm proud of her. I think she has arrived, and joined the big girls.

Oh, and on another note...remember my mean hen Gwyneth? The one who was terrorizing everyone for the longest time? Well, Precious is often found near Gwyneth out in the run, and she isn't bothered by Gwyneth anymore. And, I found her roosting next to Gwyneth last night! Everything has changed..but for the better.
That is just a bunch of wonderful news! Congratulations on the egg. That is just amazing. When she sang her song did the rooster come get her?

I'm so glad about Gwyneth. It's wonderful how they can grow together over time. What a great day.

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