Predator killed all but one


In the Brooder
Feb 12, 2017
A predator, a fox has been seen in the neighborhood, got in my yard and killed all but one of my flock of 5. The remaining lady is a buff orphington. We'd like to have a flock. If we get some pullets, will she accept them? Is it okay to wait, or should we get them now?
Deepest condolences. My best advice is you need to keep your flock in a secure pen that is predator proof until the danger ends. We had a fox devastate local flocks feeding her babies. I found tracks around my coop but no break-ins. I have my coop clad in metal siding with a chain link run that is hot wired.

To out fox a fox you have to think like one.

This fox will come back for another chicken dinner. Be ready to prevent it from killing again and it will go looking for better and easier pickings.

Murray McMurray has juvenile birds for sale.
Thanks for the advice everyone. I managed to find some pullets on my walk today. There is a man around the corner who has chickens and was willing to sell me 5. He called them rainbow chickens, as he has a variety of hens and roos. It'll be interesting to see what color eggs they lay because some of the hens were Easter eggers. They were hatched mid July, so they should start laying around the first of the year.


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