Pregnant dog??

This shouldn't have to be said but this thread has completely derailed, guys.

It's already been addressed how bad this is but the OP is going through with it and has already stated this. Breeding them was a mistake but hopefully when the puppies are born both dogs will be fixed (as well as the puppies) and this won't happen again.

Everyone take a breather, step away from the computer and go take a walk outside. Pet your chickens, or your ducks or livestock.

Stop before the thread gets locked & OP can no longer get help.

OP I hope everything goes well and everyone is healthy.
This shouldn't have to be said but this thread has completely derailed, guys.

It's already been addressed how bad this is but the OP is going through with it and has already stated this. Breeding them was a mistake but hopefully when the puppies are born both dogs will be fixed (as well as the puppies) and this won't happen again.

Everyone take a breather, step away from the computer and go take a walk outside. Pet your chickens, or your ducks or livestock.

Stop before the thread gets locked & OP can no longer get help.

OP I hope everything goes well and everyone is healthy.
Yes, they're an old, pure breed, but the mother is a puppy. That would be like me getting pregnant and having a child- there would be loads of complications, the child would be unhealthy, and it would just be all around healthy, and nobody involved would be happy.
My sister had my oldest niece at 15, she is 20 now, graduated summa cum laude from high school and is healthy and extremely well off for her age. Don't assume all these terrible things are going to happen... if y'all have a crystal ball that's giving you all of these for sure scenarios I'd love to borrow it for the winning lotto numbers, smdh

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