Pregnant dog??



Aug 19, 2020
I have two dogs (not siblings)
Duchess- girl, turns a year old in August
Duke- boy, turned a year old in December
They live outside, both are Great Pyrenees, amazing guard dogs

Duke was jumping on Duchess all of a sudden many weeks ago but I’m not sure how many. He stopped awhile after and they were both acting normal. I noticed the blood too. They always follow each other around and pick on each other until now. This is very unusual. A couple days ago, I noticed that Duchess was acting strange. She started going in the garage or under a tractor in my barn. She was acting tired. When Duke and I come find her, she gets up and kind of wanders off by herself without Duke. Then I started noticing her nipples and her gained weight. I’m not sure about the diet though.
I’ve never raised puppies before either
Here are pictures of Duchess:


Is she pregnant? How long until puppies? Any tips or questions?
I woke up at dawn today and as I went down to the animals, I heard a noise of puppies! She had them in the nesting area that she had made yesterday! They were all muddy but still alive! I counted 7 so far. We moved the pups and Duchess to the welping box. It was in the garage which was closed. The temperature outside was room temperature. I gave them a heating lamp too.
Um..... I'm going to say that I was in a similar situation as OP, many, many years ago. I planned to spay my dog at six months and she got pregnant at four or five months. I was shocked to say the least. I practically never let her out into our fenced city yard unattended for a good three weeks. I never saw a male dog around. Well, surprise! She whelped six puppies if I remember correctly. They all ended up at the local shelter. But she certainly did not bleed to death! Nature does what nature does. Yes, it probably was not good for her, as she was not fully mature. It may have pulled calcium from her bones. But you guys are fear-mongering to say this dog is going to die.

To OP: please follow your heart. Confer with your vet as to how to keep mother and pups healthy and strong. I'm sure you'll all be fine. And please, as soon as your vet recommends, do spay your dear girl.
When I was young snd stupid, I bred a female purebred Collie to a purebred msle Collie. I was a stay-at-home mom and I was present when she went into labor. Long story short, the first puppy was big and got stuck. I took her to the vet during normal hours but he was busy and did not get to her till after hours. I helped deliver ten puppies by C-section. We got three out alive. My plans of selling beautiful Collie puppies for a couple hundred each went down the tubes faster than you can say oh cr*p. I spent several hundred dollars to the vet and my dog ended up spayed.

Your pup is too young to breed. Giant breeds like Pyrs need to have their joints checked to make sure they are sound and do not have dysplasia. They have to be two or three years old before they can have their joints tested and certified. Your puppies will likely go to homes of other ignorant people, sorry, uninformed. Who will also allow them to be bred too early, perpetuating the problem. Be a responsible owner. Spay/abort now.

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