Pregnant dog??

I’ve given her 2 Tums, a yogurt cup, and some cheese.
Don't give her Tums. I wouldn't recommend yogurt either -- being dairy, it can cause upset stomachs in dogs, and mom doesn't need to risk throwing up right now.

Cheese is alright in small amounts, but only Mozzarella or goat cheese.

Also, she should have food and water available 24/7. If you don't have a diet specifically for lactating dogs, give her high-quality puppy food that's high in calcium and protein. Keep her on this diet until the puppies are weaned.
I would talk to a vet to determine proper diet. 9-10 months old is way too young to breed. Most don't recommend breeding a female until they are two years old, so she may have some stunted growth, but willy nilly feeding of high calcium foods may cause more problems. Mom needs to get checked out by a vet asap.

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