Preparing to set call and pekin duck eggs! Hatch day should be March 4, 2021 if all goes well!

I was planning to put together some progression pictures and some of my videos, but hadn’t really thought of making it an article. But I could do that.

I posted a few pics in a FB group, most everyone was complimentary and supportive, except for one person that said I should have taken her to a vet, even though I had already said I couldn’t “justify” a vet visit. I replied that it was definitely vet-worthy, but I couldn’t afford it, so I tried to do what I could do myself. So those types of people always make me regret posting stuff.
I'm not on FB but I've seen plenty of screen shots of the FB chicken "experts". I would be in FB jail so fast if I went back.
I have a situation. I just went out to gather the ducks and am unable to locate Valentine and Blue. Those brothers are always together and don’t usually go with the others. They are 1 year old. I found everyone else and put them in. Those two are very quiet ducks and hunker down at night. I usually find them under my truck or underneath of something. I have 5 fenced acres and I’ve looked everywhere multiple times. I can’t find them and I’m extremely worried. Any advice? 😓
I personally would make another round looking. Paying close attention to areas they hang out in the most or were found hunkered down before.
Thanks for all the help. I just did another round and didn’t find the boys. :(
I looked in all their former hiding spots but they aren’t there.

I’ll look again in a few minutes and check the neighbors pond. They never go far and hardly ever fly.
Whenever Paisley took off in flight, I was able to find him by calling his name and staying quiet for a minute to listen for his rasps, then move more and repeat. Of course Paisley did this during the day and he was alone, plus that was his first flight of any diatance, so of course he was terrified and was looking for someone to save him as desperately as I was looking for him. Anytime my big ducks weren't in there usual spot, I found them in a spill over pond on the other side of the road. Any large puddles nearby are worth checking in and all around. I'd take a high powered flash light and check under everything they could hide under, spots near the others first. Lots of prayers for Valentine, Blue and you. Please keep us updated. Maybe you could also take your phone and play Calls to see if this triggers any movement or rasps. Also, move your light slowly because you'll probably need to look for eyes instead of the boys. Once the light hits them, they will hopefully look your way and their eyes will shine.
Whenever Paisley took off in flight, I was able to find him by calling his name and staying quiet for a minute to listen for his rasps, then move more and repeat. Of course Paisley did this during the day and he was alone, plus that was his first flight of any diatance, so of course he was terrified and was looking for someone to save him as desperately as I was looking for him. Anytime my big ducks weren't in there usual spot, I found them in a spill over pond on the other side of the road. Any large puddles nearby are worth checking in and all around. I'd take a high powered flash light and check under everything they could hide under, spots near the others first. Lots of prayers for Valentine, Blue and you. Please keep us updated. Maybe you could also take your phone and play Calls to see if this triggers any movement or rasps. Also, move your light slowly because you'll probably need to look for eyes instead of the boys. Once the light hits them, they will hopefully look your way and their eyes will shine.
Thank you for all the wonderful advice and prayers. It means so much to me. :hugs

I have some great news!! About 10 minutes ago, I was about to give up the search when I thought I heard their little quacks. I could tell they were far away either by my neighbor’s pond or in the field behind my fence. I looked and looked but couldn’t find them out there despite the faint quacks. I decided I’d go in for a few minutes then continue the search. Well just now about 10 minutes later I heard them quacking through my window. I quickly grabbed a flashlight and headed back out there. Well much to my surprise there were the boys standing in front of their house, waiting to be let in! I have absolutely no idea where they were! I assume they heard me calling and flew home! What a blessing! I am so glad they returned home unharmed. :bow:highfive:

I will get some pictures of the troublemakers in the morning! :wee
F that crazy person. You should totally do an article on Quasimodo. To keep the Shawsies of the world from lopping heads, and taking names.
:lau damn head loppers
I'm not on FB but I've seen plenty of screen shots of the FB chicken "experts". I would be in FB jail so fast if I went back.

I know! This is a group for "special needs" ducks that I joined when Garth hatched. Usually very sympathetic folks, not judgmental, since most are dealing with some type of disabled duck. But jerks always seem to infiltrate.

I have a situation. I just went out to gather the ducks and am unable to locate Valentine and Blue. Those brothers are always together and don’t usually go with the others. They are 1 year old. I found everyone else and put them in. Those two are very quiet ducks and hunker down at night. I usually find them under my truck or underneath of something. I have 5 fenced acres and I’ve looked everywhere multiple times. I can’t find them and I’m extremely worried. Any advice? 😓

So glad they came back!! :hugs

I watched one drake fly away a couple years ago. I walked a couple miles looking for him, to no avail. But he eventually flew home. Now I'm missing probably 10 ducks, so I've been searching my area also. The snowy hen is still gone, and now my only other snowy hen is also missing. I have one egg that I know is from one of them, so I think I'm going to incubate it, even if I don't have any more eggs. I think the flying predators are really on the prowl now.

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