Preparing to set call and pekin duck eggs! Hatch day should be March 4, 2021 if all goes well!

I had (still have one) Bantam Cochins. They are the absolute best. I am getting out of chickens for a while though and was recommended Calls for their small size and personality. I was told that I'd love them as much as my BC's. I'm excited!
Aww i bet they were fun! I’d like to add some silkies in the future but also like the Bantam Cochins. Yes calls are small and not as messy as my larger ducks. They are pretty hardy for their size and have great personalities! I’m sure you will! I’m so excited for you! :celebrate
I will definitely take some once it warms up. Right now the plan is to convert my chicken space into dux space. Then buy a bator.

Any suggestions on those? Reading that Calls are harder to hatch made me nervous.

I'll definitely start a thread when I start my adventure. Sorry for hijacking, OP!
Oh yeah.. it is definitely too cold right now. But I can hook you up when it warms up.
I have the nurture right 360. So does @WVduckchick and @Pyxis
I got that one specifically because I've been told duck eggs do best on their sides and that one has a turner that rolls them on their side.
However I have also heard that some have better results with hand turning. I may try that next time instead if I decide to incubate again.
Oh yeah.. it is definitely too cold right now. But I can hook you up when it warms up.
I have the nurture right 360. So does @WVduckchick and @Pyxis
I got that one specifically because I've been told duck eggs do best on their sides and that one has a turner that rolls them on their side.
However I have also heard that some have better results with hand turning. I may try that next time instead if I decide to incubate again.
Thanks Shaw!! 🥰
Oh yeah.. it is definitely too cold right now. But I can hook you up when it warms up.
I have the nurture right 360. So does @WVduckchick and @Pyxis
I got that one specifically because I've been told duck eggs do best on their sides and that one has a turner that rolls them on their side.
However I have also heard that some have better results with hand turning. I may try that next time instead if I decide to incubate again.
I didn’t even see this post. I haven’t been getting some notifications. I have a nurture right 360 as well! It is 3 or 4 years old and still works perfect! I love mine! I especially love that I can candle to check for internal pips during lockdown without opening the incubator. It was @WVduckchick that taught me to set the eggs close to the sides so I could do that. :)
I didn’t even see this post. I haven’t been getting some notifications. I have a nurture right 360 as well! It is 3 or 4 years old and still works perfect! I love mine! I especially love that I can candle to check for internal pips during lockdown without opening the incubator. It was @WVduckchick that taught me to set the eggs close to the sides so I could do that. :)
Yep too.
The only thing I dislike about it is the lid is a little cantankerous lifting it on and off.
I wish that top white piece lifted off instead of the entire window piece. I thought about sticking some command hooks upside down on the sides of it to make it easier. But my fear is if one failed and fell off as you were lifting it.. smash goes some eggs.
They really did not think that design through very good.
I mean for people who are adamant about never opening the incubator that's fine.
But with calls and the possibility of needing to assist you want to be able to watch what's happening.
Regardless of that..
It's also a pita when you have one that's already hatched, if it's motivating around in there and knocking eggs around against the edge. It's hard to get that little booger out without an egg rolling out of it.
Yep too.
The only thing I dislike about it is the lid is a little cantankerous lifting it on and off.
I wish that top white piece lifted off instead of the entire window piece. I thought about sticking some command hooks upside down on the sides of it to make it easier. But my fear is if one failed and fell off as you were lifting it.. smash goes some eggs.
Yes, I definitely know what you mean. I am always worried about that as well. I usually just lift the lid with one hand and stick an egg in with the other but that is very nerve wracking. Thankfully I’ve never accidentally smashed any but I’ve came close. One time I was holding the lid in one hand and an egg in the other hand and the back of the lid slipped, moved foreword, and the turner tipped up. An egg came a couple of inches from being smushed. I just try to be very careful now.
The lid in my opinion is also not a good design for when taking out ducklings because when I have quite a few in there and I have to take the lid all the way off then I’m trying to round up all ducklings. Since it is just me, I have a terrible time trying to round them up fast enough before one jumps out of the bator. I actually have had a few jump out before, and since my incubator is on a high counter top they have came very close to falling off.

I’ve learned to work around those things by:

1. lifting the lid straight off and setting it behind the incubator when I remove it
2. Putting a barrier around the incubator when I remove ducklings so they don’t jump to their death
3. If I have an egg near the edge I make sure to put my hand near that edge to catch it if it rolls.
What do y'all think of this one for a beginner? I'm assuming it has the same issues with the lid.
The only thing I don't like about the looks of that one, those little duckies can really jump and get on top of things faster than you think they would. I can see a little webbed foot getting down in that fan the way that is placed.
Even on the nurture right some of us that got some of the early models had to request a rubber piece that covered the fan because it had that issue. People were reporting little chicks getting their heads up in that fan because the spaces were too big.

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