Preparing to set call and pekin duck eggs! Hatch day should be March 4, 2021 if all goes well!

Yay Phoenix! That's wonderful!

Tallulah quacked tonight while being held out of the bathtub! I believe Lylah did as well, but I wasn't holding her so I'm not 100% sure, only 85% šŸ˜Š

I used the flash when taking this picture of Faith. They're on charcoal puppy pads (dark gray/black) and they're still a little bit wet from their bath. Hopefully this doesn't alter her color.
View attachment 2677279

@Conan congratulations! Gorgeous ducklings. So so precious.
I have never seen puppy pads that color!
Hereā€™s little Bobbles today! Look at his adult plumage coming in!! :pop Lol sorry about the photo overload I couldnā€™t choose which were the cutest! :p
Iggy is their established leader. Go figure. He was last to hatch (lazy), is the biggest, and the most demanding. View attachment 2679110View attachment 2679111
They are all adorable! Iggy looks like quite the character! Those little webs are beyond cute! Swim Shady and Saint Riley look like sweeties too! I love blue bibs! Is Saint Riley a grey? :love

My most demanding ones always end up the most spoiled.... :oops::lau

Example: Bobbles who is beyond spoiled and still living inside at 7 weeks after all his siblings moved out long ago. :p

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