Prettiest Rooster Crow?

My Cuckoo Marans makes such a nice crow, and he only does it in the morning around 6:30 and once again before bed. He is super quiet all day. Now the Sultan roo that we have sounds like a kid who has never played an instrument before, very annoying and louder than the marans considering he is a bantam.
I greatly enjoyed all of the responses.

Does anyone else have any input?

Are some breeds better at the classic cock-a-doodle-doo?

But it sounds like the best bet is to get 25 roosters, feed them all for 18 weeks, then pick out the best crower! LOL

(By the way, how old before they really start crowing? Mine aren't crowing yet)
Hi! Can't say prettiest, but can say un-prettiest here for sure.
I have a Game roo out across the lane and he has the most unattractive, disjointed crow.
His crow is
Err...Errr.. (and there a second or 2 lag),
.ERRRR... (and there a second or 2 lag),

My other roos have a more melodic sound to their crows.

My Big boy RIR Sarge has a deep toned, classic crow. The other day I heard what I would have sworn was a baby goat. I looked all around the place trying to find that baby goat, and finally discovered that it was Brooster, my barred rock rooster, trying to learn to crow... I was LOL!!! My buff orp rooster Moose (for mean orpington rooster, but he's not mean now... he was pretty ornery during his early teen stage!) rarely crows, but when he does, it's very similar to Sarge. The SLW roo Rocky has a higher pitched, not quite as "throaty" sounding crow, but still impresses the girls
They may crow occasionally during the day, but they don't crow incessantly. I do love all my guys; I know I really have too many for the # of hens/pullets, but they're all good guys and I don't want to get rid of any of them. I may just have to get some more girls instead...
(I have 5 RIR girls, 7 AustralOrp girls, 5 Buff Orp girls, 1 BR girl, & 1 SLW girl).
My teenager bantam cochin STILL sounds like a rusty door hinge, even though he's been crowing for a few weeks now.
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My Austrolorps sound like a typical rooster. But my Bantam Easter Egger has the cutest toy like crow ever! It sounds like a cute human child imitating a rooster's crow. Imagine a 3-5 year old or Bart Simpson cartoon with a nasally, baby sounding , or toy like imitation of a rooster

Very cute. I imitate him myself often because it sounds so cute and adorable.

He has also started doing the mating. circular shuffle dance that I say looks like a Mexican Hat dance around the girls and that is so cute too.
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My red pyle OEGB's have been crowing for about a month, and there are only 2 out of 8 that sound right, some get cut off halfway through, and some aren't even crowing yet!
Oh yeah that dance is the cutest thing! I have 8 red pyle OEGB cockerels, that are 4-5 months old, and there are a few that are getting daring. It is so comical, the way they crow, and their cute little dance. Heck, I think it's cute when they fight too!

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