Prettiest Rooster Crow?

That's a tough one. How about the one who does it least. haha Just kidding. Well I have 5 right now. I am not sure the RIR is crowing yet. We have 2 Ameraucanas and they're night and day different. One crows more like a dog barking howl type sound and the other sounds more like a bantam Sebright or something. We also have a Sebright and a Wyandotte. I don't know, they all have their individual sounds. Dont' know if I prefer any one specificially.
I liked all of my roosters crows. I could lay in bed at 6 in the morning and pick out each individual rooster. Xander and Rio the Cuckoo Marans, Splash, Sparkle, and Spangle the Easter Egger and the Ameraucanas, Leo theLight Brahma, Rocky, Aragorn, and Theoden the Sicilian Buttercups, Squeaky the Nankin, and all the others.

None of my roosters did the five syllable crow; cock-a-doo-dle-doo, until I got a BLue-laced Red Wyandotte that was from a flock that was imported from England. I was walking outside and heard all five syllables and just stopped and looked around like
And then I saw him stand up and belt another one out. He was my silly British

I can say without a doubt my Marans, Easter Eggers, and Rhode Island Red, Ret were the loudest out of everyone.
I've never had two of the same breed so this may just be the individuals.
  • Spurless bantam americana (hatchery unknown, from friends flock) does not have a nice sound, although I have heard worse esp when learning. I think his lungs are just not big enough for the loudness he is attempting so it is a slightly shrill short one or two note yell kind of deal, he esp likes to crow while in the big hen house. (a slight echo so it is louder) He also likes to make noises like a hen that just laid an egg.

My old flock had 5 cockrels,(straight run bad luck) all raised at about the same time and all distinct sounding crows so I don't think they learn from local example. However they were only crowing for about 2 months before Marek's came in from the neighbor's and I had to put down the whole flock, disinfect and switch to ducks for a few years, so limited samples.

  • Silver seabright, hatchery/feedstore not bad but lungs to small for much more than the equivalent of a toy piano.
  • Blue orpington, from show breeder, had a tardy feather gene, bad sounding crow but not overly loud and he was a fancy dancer.
  • black copper marans, from show breeder, very well balanced crow, very good attitude, hens liked him straight away
  • black laced gold wyandotte, from show breeder, don't recall he may not have had a chance to crow.
  • "Cletus" a silver delaware if I recall correct, from show breeder, average crow. (very tall bird a fast runner and smart about not getting cornered)

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