Pretty gosling = Pretty goose?

Sep 13, 2019
With many goslings to choose from… does the prettiness, cuteness, or size of the gosling bear any weight as to what the goose will grow up to be? My Dewlap Toulouse are very scrawny looking compared to the American buff. And some of the buff just don’t look as spectacular as others. At just 6 days old, is their appearance more related to the size of the egg and how their hatch went?
With many goslings to choose from… does the prettiness, cuteness, or size of the gosling bear any weight as to what the goose will grow up to be? My Dewlap Toulouse are very scrawny looking compared to the American buff. And some of the buff just don’t look as spectacular as others. At just 6 days old, is their appearance more related to the size of the egg and how their hatch went?
Honestly I don’t think it has much bearing in what they’ll look like as adults. They have so many drastic changes as they grow, and once they still Won’t be mature until they’re technically 2 years old. At 2 is when they’re finally filled out.

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