Pretty Roosters

awsome birds guys i love that rir roo they are so pretty and thats what im goin to get keep posting
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Alright, I just got my boy. He has no name yet and I think he is about 3 months old... he is a super sweet EE who loves to be held and pet. He hasn't crowed yet, but it seems like the day will be coming soon. Anyway here he is:

Names so far that I'm leaning towards are Valentino, Abraham, and Mozart...



heres my phoenix....

i got em at on exotic animal and bird sale in amish country. best bird buy i ever made. got em on march 26, 2010. hes a 2009 hatch. very sweet roo. but a lil skiddish. the first pics are of when he first went out to his coop. he was very protective of his girl then. the pics were theres bedding on the floor are about a month after i got him. the dustbath pics are from about a week ago. he could care less about anything now. he just dont want me to touch or hold him.other then that hes fine.
















This is Chief, a 3 and a half month old mutt roo. He's one of two roosters that I'm keeping out of the clutch of eggs I hatched out in early March. All are mutts and the light of my life!
Chief is an absolute sweetheart that loves to be cuddled and loved. He'd sit for hours on my lap if I had the time. That's his girlfriend/sister GeeGee next to him.


And this is Brutus, Chief's brother, and the other roo that I'll be keeping. He too is a total sweetheart! I swear, I'd die if anything bad ever happened to either of my boys!


Both of the boys are young yet and are just beginning to find their way among the ladies. Chief always seems to be a day or two ahead of Brutus in these advances of their development. Chief crowed a couple of days before Brutus did and has started doing his pretty boy dance for the ladies just this week. Whereas Brutus has yet to figure out the complex steps. Both show much promise of being excellent with the girls. They seem to be kind and considerate in all aspects of their interaction with the girls except one: FOOD!
They're still thinking with their stomachs at this point. But I'm sure they'll get the hang of pointing out goodies to the ladies eventually. There's so much to learn when you're just a young lad!
This is my BA Curly- named for the fun tail feathers. I got him a month of so ago. He's about 1, never stops crowing, is a good watch roo with the gals. Unfortunately, he's flogged all of us, including 2 small kids. Anyone want him?

those are some good lookin boys and sorry for your bad experiences with them my grandma had a couple of the biggest cochins you ever saw and they would lay into anybody that wasent my grandma and one weighed about 13 pounds and would clean tare your legs up.
And now you know precisely why I got rid of my BW Griffin! Rotten ungrateful brute! He kept sneaking up and nailing me with body slams! NOT the kind of attitude I was looking for in a roo. I'm now convinced that the only way to have a sweet and wonderful man about the hen house is to hatch one out and hand raise them yourself......but even that is no guarantee. Sometimes they go south on ya when they enter their "teen" period.

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