Pretty sure I know the answer, but... is this EE a Roo?


May 27, 2016
Lower Sierras NorCal
I'm on my second batch of chickies. Last yr started with 8; this yr got 6 more. This is one of my new Easter Eggers. The other one I know is a female. This lovely bird is a good bit larger, but is the same age, approximately 16 weeks old. The comb developed fairly early, and is already pretty much red. The hackle feathers are getting longer and there are some long saddle feathers. I love the coloring on "him." I haven't heard any crowing or signs of him doing so, as yet. I'm hoping he just won't! If he does, I have to re-home him.





So whaddaya guys think?? Rooster??

Here's his sister Lulu on the right:

I'm far from an expert but I am almost certain that you're correct about it being a rooster. The tail feathers, hackles, saddle feathers and comb all screams rooster to me.
Thanks you guys! Well... it's official... he did his first crow this morning. It was funny. It was kind of a wimpy crow and then a bunch of weird sounds like he freaked himself out and was trying to do it again. Now I gotta see if the guy who took my silkies can take him too. He lives out of town where he has no limits to what he can have. Makes me kinda sad, cuz this guy is going to be a really beautiful rooster!!
I am not trying to highjack this thread. I was looking for weird sounds from chicks and I found this. I have 2 chickens from the second hatch that are now 8 weeks old. We thought they were both girls. A few days ago one of them started to change voice, and in the morning it sounds like he has a sore throat or someone is choking him. This morning I managed to record it and I wonder if this is the start of crowing. This happens about 4-5 times in a row and stops. We don't hear this all day. Any other times he still sounds like a baby with peeping sounds. I watched some videos to try to identify their gender and I am sure now they are both boys.
Here is the link to the video with that weird sound, if someone could identify if this is a crowing sound, or the chick is sick? (I hope the link works)

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