There is another active thread on the forum right now concerning a member's concerns about Marek's disease and from what her vet told her, yes, they can regain use if hit by paralysis.

Usually when birds survive the first infection and the virus goes dormant they will succumb to one of the secondary diseases caused by the disease, tumors, neurological, etc.

It's good news that your rooster is getting some use back in his leg. Keeping my fingers crossed for you both.
Update: He's now out and about as though nothing happened. Crowing his little heart out again, which is nice to hear since he was quiet for so long through all the leg business. Now back out with the flock, he's also back to stalking the two hens and trying to convince them to let him get closer or hanging out with the other pullets/cockerels and watching the older ladies longingly from a distance.

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