Price of hatching eggs, aka, Update: $ 1070.25 for 12 eggs on BYC


14 Years
Jan 25, 2010
Monticello, Arkansas
Lavender Orpington Project hatching eggs on an auction site: $293.00

I have been watching some Lavender Orpington Project hatching eggs on an auction site. In my opinion, these are good color, but not quite Orpington type yet. Though they are getting very close. He advertised them as Lavender Orpingtons. On a BYC discussion I read that there is not yet any true Lavender Orpingtons. These are still a mix of Lavender Ameracauna and Black Orpington.

What shocked me was the closing bid for just TEN eggs: $293.00. Then add $30 shipping fee! That is $323 for less than a dozen eggs and if the post office drops them....well......ain't NO WAY I would spend that much on any eggs. But if I did, I would drive all the way to Florida and pick them up myself!

Any thoughts on this. What is the most you have ever paid for hatching eggs?

Me: about $20 a dozen plus shipping.

Update: These sold for $ 822.25

Update: Buff Laced Brahma LF Hatching Eggs: $1070.25 dozen!
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Had 100$ worth of eggs in bator last year and only got a few to hatch out and not even breeder pairs!!! mostly roos-this year I fill bator with my eggs and larger batches of the same breeds-I went up to 60$ for 6+ a little bit ago I lost too:-(
$60 per dozen with shipping included is the most I've paid. I would pay more, though, if it were an actual rare breed or colortype. (or really really good BCM's)
Lavenders. . . . There are only project birds, and over $200 is just ridiculous. I would certainly agree to that.
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I would think $293 would be a lot for 10 chicks, much less 10 eggs. I'm a lightweight. But then again I've only purchased 3 batches of eggs. My highest price was $33 for 12.
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This was not 10 chicks, but 10 unhatched eggs that after being "accidently" exrayed and dropped may or may not hatch. Do hope all 10 hatch and that the buyer helps improve these project birds.

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