Pricing and peafowl


9 Years
Nov 27, 2010
Northen Va
What do u think in order from most expensive to least expensive breed of the more popular peafowls

Just curious what u all think that order would be?
Most expensive would be green peafowl and also some of the newer peafowl varieties. It also depends on the person you are buying from.
The Taupe and the Violetes are the most expensive around $1500.00 to $2000.00 a pair, There were some Imported Javas that were about $1500.00 ea but I have seen "American Javas" that was better looking and a lot less expensive at $900.00 a pair.

The least expensive is the India Blue $20.00 to $125.00 ea depending on age and who has them.

Newest colors are the most expensive, Peach is also a very high $$$ bird to get and hard to find breeders.

Peach isn't that expensive anymore and there are lots of breeders.

D&M Farms

Leggs Peafowl

Peak 2 Peak Ranch

Rocking B-A-B Ranch

And that's just a few off the top of my head and there are others. Now the expensive Peach falls under this (Depending on age and who has them on how Expensive they are)
Newest colors are the most expensive, Peach is also a very high $$$ bird to get and hard to find breeders.

Peach isn't that expensive anymore and there are lots of breeders.

D&M Farms

Leggs Peafowl

Peak 2 Peak Ranch

Rocking B-A-B Ranch

And that's just a few off the top of my head and there are others. Now the expensive Peach falls under this (Depending on age and who has them on how Expensive they are)

Find a peach silver pied male.......price will be high my guess you want find one for sale.

Not sure any of the above breeders , want to sell any breeding age peach.

So supply and demand reason the peach price are still up there. nothing like pure javas ....but good price still.

I had a big list of people wanting peach, now pattern was a big thing too. like a peach silver pied blackshoulder peacock would be real high priced
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where i am on the tennessee mississippi border a
mature IB male - $100
mature BS male- $100-125
mature IB pied male - $125
mature white male- $150
these numbers are just what ive seen recently at auctions and sales around here

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