Production Red maybe? I'm just not sure.


In the Brooder
7 Years
May 27, 2012
Twin Falls, Idaho
These chicks were part of a brood that the neighbor's chicken hatched in my shed. The neighbor doesn't know what breed they are, because she inherited her flock from another neighbor. I'm just trying to figure out what breed they are:

When they were chicks they looked a lot like an Ameracauna chick - You can just barely seeing one peek out from under Mom:

They are definitely a mix. How was they looking like Ameraucana chicks? Coloring?
Yes, they had a widow's peak on their head. When I did an image search on chicks, they looked like ones that were identified as Ameraucana. But maybe the pic I found on the net was mis-identified. Here's my chick:

And here's the pic I found on the net:

Well, even though my babies are mutts, they are good-looking mutts :)

I believe one of my other hens that I inherited is at least part Ameraucana. Her name is Raggedy Ann. She's still very camera shy, but you can see her puffy cheeks, even from the back.

Just to clarify, I'm not disputing your EE's aren't pretty, lol. Most all EE's are gorgeous
Just to clarify, I'm not disputing your EE's aren't pretty, lol. Most all EE's are gorgeous
No offense taken. I have a very motley crew (in fact, that is their nickname). The six hens I got are a very mixed bunch. Once I can sit down and get some decent pictures of them, I'll post them and see if I can figure out what they are. But I'm pretty sure they are mostly (if not all) mutts. But I'm getting eggs, and they are very entertaining, so it's all good. Depending on the size of my flock come county fair time next year, I might add some Polish to the mix. I dig the hair-do's!
<----------- 80's Headbanger Chicken

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