Production Red Rooster???

We don't want any chicks just eggs for now. The ladies are young (17 weeks) no eggs yet, is it ok to keep him for awhile???
Sure, if he is being nice to the hens, why not? Unless you just don't want to feed him. Of course, one of these days he will start crowing.
He is beautiful. He has big legs and those pointy feathers around his neck and boody..... and a large comb.......

He is wonderful and fabulouse and maybe he can make some babies
you do not have to have chicks ...... if you do not want chicks.... just keep gathering your eggs a few times a day and you will never have chicks. Roosters also protect the hens
Emys, (and others)

Thanks for your excellent explanation. The saddle feathers and green tail are a dead give-away! We just didnt' know and some of the books are a little vauge. So far Bridget (now named Frankie by the kids) has caused zero problems; - not that the only man in a group of seven women would ha ha. We will just keep them the way we have for now. If he ever becomes a meanie we'll just address the problems then. Thanks to all who post on such a great site!!!! Here's a pic of Darby with her favorite girl Ming-Ming:

If I lived where I could have a roo I would. They'll give thier lives to save the hens. Heard many-a-story of brave roos. As long as he's a nice guy he should be welcome.

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