pronouncing mille fleur d' butchering it.

Or you could get some of them black austylurps
Uncultured american? I don't know how a feller could be more cultured. Heck if I was any more cultured I'd be buttermilk.
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My husband thought they were buff ORF INGTONS... he felt pretty silly when I told him it was orpington. He is not a chicken person, but those buff orfingtons he likes.

this is HILLARIOUS! i cant stop reading all these posts, who knew that asking for a pronunciation whas going to be such a riot! as for me, even though we now know the acceptable pronunciations of mille fleur d'uccle, weve been calling them mil-FLERD-ickles anyway, its just too funny. and i love what the one guy said ablou duckles. im going to call and ask about there duckles, just to see what they say, and then ill settle on the millflerd-duckles. i love it! oh, and my dad calls the leghorns leggerns. and just to be special you could pronounce the rhode island reds the way we do in my part of wv. rhudALLEN rid.
i laughed when i was reading alot of these posts about the way they say things in wv and places.... i read them out loud and realized that I say them that way......then i laughed even harder.
so ill take mah rhudALLENrids and my leggerns down off the ruff and put on some painies and walk up tord the crick over yonder a peice, and look at them milFLERDickles, and maybe some duckles.
That's scary? I find it more humorous than scary.

That's the late Marty Feldman, in one of his skits as an aviator. I flew on cargo planes with the Air Force up until last year and used to have an avatar of a C-130. I came across that photo some place and started using it.

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