Proper Terminology - Culling

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Technically, they're NOT using the term incorrectly. If you raise up straight run chicks, and end up with 8 roos and only plan on keeping one, then yes, you ARE culling the other 7 roos. You are also butchering them (if that's what you do), but that does not make "culling" an incorrect term.

Cull ALSO stands for any birds that you KEEP. You can call your best hens that you plan to keep "culls". It just depends on how you use it. Just because someone else uses it in a different way does not make it wrong. Talk about being close minded.

Just because it's not as common, or as universally accepted, does not mean that it's wrong.
first you cull then you kill..

the OP was making this distinction.

when your argument gets weak, start calling names..

how childish.. whoops, I forgot, maybe you are a child..
To people in Agriculture and the Livestock/Poultry Industry CULL means getting rid of a no value or unwanted animal.

To use the term CULL for the harvesting of animals for PRIME meat such as a broiler, barrow, steer, etc. makes you appear ignorant to those of us who depend on Livestock Production for our livlihoods.

Lazy J Farms Feed & Hay :

To use the term CULL for the harvesting of animals for PRIME meat such as a broiler, barrow, steer, etc. makes you appear ignorant to those of us who depend on Livestock Production for our livlihoods.

Wow. I'm glad to know there's yet another thing for people to be judgmental about. Ain't the human race great?​
Wow. I'm glad to know there's yet another thing for people to be judgmental about. Ain't the human race great?

Isn't that the truth? Getting called ignorant, childish, etc, over a stupid word. You'd at least hope that the members of BYC would be a little more mature than that.
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