proud mom! (autistic son) pic added page 3

Congrats hun!
EVERY milestone they pass, every hurdle they leap, is a HUGE accomplishment!

While I can not relate to the lack of language skills (ours started talking full sentences at 10 mos. and hasn't shut up since!
I can relate to the lack of muscle tone and other issues (poty training) that goes with the Autism...

Both of My kids are "Aspies"... Our son wasn't potty trained until JUST before Kindergarden... and no-- relatives do not understand... it took until the kids were 10+ for them to finally "get-it"...but only after numerous articles and such from Doctors, counselors etc... not to mention a few verry nasty Melt-downs in their presence!

The hardest part was the potty training... but we finally did it--- it took ONE day!
He was ready, just not "compelled" o do it... untill I came up with a game...

He was addicted to wheel of fortune since he was a baby...loved to solve the puzzles... so I made a Wheel and put it on the wall above the toilet. Any time he used it with no accidents, he got to spin the wheel and win a prize! (Hot wheels, pokemon cards etc...) THAT DAY he not only cleaned out most of the prizes-- but had NO accidents, even that night-- and never wore his trainers again!

They have to be ready, and it has to feel like it is under their control for them... whatever his obsession is, try to use it to your advantage!
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We have to love them as they are & celebrate the progress that they make, as they make it.

I remember when it was finally sinking in that my DD's life was not going to follow a "standard" trajectory. (Whatever!
. But I didn't feel that way then). She isn't gonna graduate H.S at 18; go off to college; graduate at 22... HOWEVER, she is gorgeous & strong & nice. She has Aspergers & some learning disabilities.

So, a few years ago, my family was on vacation & I was sitting on a pier by myself, feeling a little sad at my realizations about this kid of mine. Then I saw a dad & his son. The son had cerebral palsy & could hardly walk. The dad had his son by the elbow. That man held his son & walked with him, labored step by labored step, down a 400 ft. pier and back. It took my breath away. He could do that. He could be that strong and that patient for his child! He could enjoy that very difficult trek. This made me very ashamed that I was unnerved at the thought that my kid would never do Algebra (silly me). I was humbled by that man & his boy in a way that I find hard to explain. I quit comparing my child & learned to enjoy her more.

I wish all parents the joy of seeing their kids as they are and loving them as they are.
That is so great for him to come so far. Some people don't appreciate what they have!! My Godson is autistic among other things. Good for you he has a great mom!!!
maven. My DH still has a hard time with it. Sebastian isnt really into sports, but he is my DH's only son among seven kids total and being a former HS and college player.... youget it. Dh always tries to play different kind of ball with him. But Sebastian just gets scared of being hit with a ball and dugsHe also lacks the coordination.On the postive side atleast they agree on super hero movies. They both love Batman and Spiderman .
Conny: How true it is, we parents have a hard time with our expectations. The happiest among us are the ones who can see things as they are.
Oh, kls, I so totally understand. My 16 year old is autistic, and did not start talking until he was 3 1/2. His first word was, " I cleaned up my room, mommy!". The next day he told he loved me, and I cried. I am so happy for you, and for your son.

Thank you so much for sharing. I'm so happy for both of you.
it was my sons preschool teachers and staff (they were wonderful) who helped me when I realized that my son will never 'catch up'. Its hard when you have to accept they they may never have a career and family. My biggest dream for my son is to be able to live independently and my biggest fear is something happening to me and he who is so dependent on me will have to live without me. Sorry to bring the tone down but sometimes people who dont have to live it dont understand it. Those little milestones are what we live for.
I completely understand. Dh was just talking about setting up a fund just in case something happens to us, to make sure he will be ok.

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