Proud to announce: Official Team BYC on Etsy

No one interested?

You don't have to spend any money to be featured.

Anyone opposed? I suppose I'll post a list of a few shops that I'd like to pick from to participate. Otherwise, I'll only include a couple TeamBYC members and then choose the others from another team I'm on. I'd only do this because the interest is greater there - but at least we'd have some BYC representaiton!
It sounds good to me! Especially if there is no initial buy in
I've had a whopping one sale in my shop...
Ok, cool! My shop is on vacation right now until the 10th (hopefully). I have a bunch of things to photo/put up, but my boyfriend and I are in the middle of a move. I hope to be back up and running by then and will let you guys know about when I plan this BNS/BNR. I think it's going to be a BNS with a round system. We shall see. Once you're involved in them, they start to make sense. I needed a gift for this weekend (DBF and I are staying at another couple's house) and I wanted to bring them a little something. SO...I looked at a bunch of BNS' going on right now because I knew I could buy in for a later date showing (and give my shop exposure) and I knew that I could get a discount because most shops will list some sort of a discount special for being featured in the sale. I saved 5%. So it works out for everyone!

And on the plus side - if everything goes well this weekend, we may have found a new farm to move to where I can keep some of my chickens. Thank God. I was fearing that I'd have to get rid of all of them. Good thoughts that I can keep at least 6, ok??
Sweet! Glad this thread exists! I just applied to be part of the group!

My shop needs some more product... but I'm working on it! Chickens and life got in the way! I make handmade books (journals, guest books, memorial books, whatever you need!) as well as graphic design (doing just about anything). I want to get into custom invitations, but we'll see how that goes. Right now I'm concentrating on more books.
That's what is happening with me too... I got my first chickens a few weeks ago and haven't done much crafting since! I really need to set time aside and get something done!
Hey I applied to join. I am iamannsleesmom on etsy. I guess I'll have to change that if I open a shop which I am seriously considering. This is sounding like a really neat idea. Thanks y'all!

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