Proud to announce: Official Team BYC on Etsy

WooHoo! I just bought in a round and even though I'm not sure what that means I think it s good!! HAHA
SSSHHHH! Don't tell mom I bought something for her!!
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Ahh nice to put a face to a name!

Thanks for closing out the round. If your shop is up in time for the next round, you'll be featured in the treasury list of things to buy from. It's kind of like a craft fair and "buying in" is like buying your table. If you don't get your shop up in time, I'll carry you over to the next round and so on.

We had a really great sales day today. If you guys are familiar with BNR/BNS''d see that 15 sales in one BNS is fantastic!

I'll edit to add.... I made two sales, Terrie made two sales and Biscotti made ....gosh, how many sales? A bunch! It's hit or miss, though. You're not guaranteed to sell anything. It's a matter of your selection, your price points and your product.
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Oh yeah! Duh! I forgot your plus sign!!!

Thanks for reminding me. YUP, exactly. You will be in two rounds now.

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