Proud to announce: Official Team BYC on Etsy


I will change the banner direct.
Oh this is soo cool! My hubby does mostly craft fairs with our items and I am horribly behind updating our etsy shop. When I am updating I will be joining this team! Oh, our etsy shop is YeOldeBarn and we make handmade soaps. We are expanding our items so I need to update pics. Looking forward to joining the team soon.
I'm running a BNS that's been going on since yesterday! We've made some sales and have 6 spots left. There are several BYCers participating. If you're not interested in buying anything, you could still come by to chat in the "comments" section. Please don't forget to "fav" the treasury list because it gives exposure to your friends on Etsy.

OK I think I joined, and I put a link of BYC on my profile and TeamBYC on some items.
What else am I suppose to do???
I dont understand the treasury thing.

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