puffy cheeks

I really think I'm gonna give it another 24 hours. But my husband on the other hand wants to go ahead and do it.
Alright we are getting somewhere. One side of his face is completely back to normal the other side has went down probably by half. Hopefully by tomorrow he will be all better. I'm so happy I know it had to be painful and now he has to feel so much better. "Amiga" thank you so much for your help and prayers!
Okay so as much as in pains me to say it Alvin ' s face has started swelling again and I'm at my whites end I am going to try one more series of the tylan shots if that doesn't fix it or if it comes back I don't know what to do he's my buddy and I just can't let him live like that it looks so painful if anyone has anymore suggestions I'm listening
Is it possible there is something stuck in his nares or his ear? For something to flare up seems to indicate there is a foreign object around there, I would think.

I suppose it could be a resistant bacterium, in which case a different antibiotic might be worth a try, and for a little longer.
I haven't checked his ears didn't even think about that but his nares are completely clean. What other antibiotic might you recommend ?
I don't know exactly what is in it, it's soft but if you squeeze it nothing comes out he's not runny or anything like that it went away after the first dose of antibiotics but can back three weeks later. I talked to my four legged vet and he said to Lance it but if it keeps coming back what's that gonna do. I can't find a vet local that will actually see him
I don't know exactly what is in it, it's soft but if you squeeze it nothing comes out he's not runny or anything like that it went away after the first dose of antibiotics but can back three weeks later. I talked to my four legged vet and he said to Lance it but if it keeps coming back what's that gonna do. I can't find a vet local that will actually see him

You can take a sterile needle and empty syringe, insert it into the center of the swollen area of one cheek, and draw the plunger back. If there is fluid - blood, pus, anything - it will collect in the syringe, and you won't have an open cut like with lancing. If there's no fluid you can still do a "needle biopsy" by drawing a small sample of flesh. So if you collect anything maybe you could have it tested at a vet's lab? Even if they don't want to see the duck they may be able and willing to do some lab work for you, and then you'd know exactly what antibiotics would kick that thing's butt.

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